Chapter 25: I Love You // Finale

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|Kade's Point of View|

We stood facing each other quietly, like we were frozen in time.

"And I just wanted you to know that." He said scratching the back of his neck.

I stepped forward putting my arms around him, hugging ever so tightly, "I love you."

He placed his arms around me as well, "And I'm really sorry." His voice was groggy, and I could tell he was crying again, "Kade, I'm really sorry about what happened today."

I disconnected our hug, pushing him away gently, "I just want to know why you said what you did, and why you reacted so angrily." I sat down on the bed, "You never even let me speak up for myself."

We looked at each other, tension rising in the atmosphere, "I was stupid Kade. I was fucking stupid." He was raising his voice.

"That's not an answer Cameron." My voice was loud and stern.

"I know. I j-" He began, but I cut him off.

"You, what? You just thought that, by chasing after me, I would give you instant forgiveness?" All of my anger was boiling inside of me, "Well, it doesn't. I'm still mad at you."

The room grew silent, and he sat next to me, "What can I do to earn forgiveness?" He tried to kiss me, but I couldn't handle it at the moment.

"Give me time to think." I said, "That's all I need."

He took a deep breath and stood up, "Should I go home?"

I looked up at him and bit my lip, "You can stay here."

He smiled, "But I'm guessing you don't want me to sleep with you tonight?" He sounded hurt.

"Not really." I said softly, "Knowing me, I would get mad at you again and cut your balls off, or something like that." I laughed a little, he did too.

"Well, the couch it is." He said, standing up and walking to the door.

"I have guest bedrooms, you know." I said watching him leave.

"But the living room has a tv." He left with that being said and I was all alone in my room.

Now, it's time to think... and it's going to hurt like hell.


The night was slow, and consisted of me watching hours pass on. One by one, I would loose an hour of sleep because my thoughts interrupted any chance I had of resting up.

'You should forgive him.'

'You love each other, forgiving him is what you're supposed to do.'

'You aren't getting anywhere by laying here doing nothing.'

'Go forgive him.'

'He deserves it.'

I couldn't take it anymore, I'm going to forgive him sooner or later. Maybe we can talk things out and make it sooner so I don't drive myself absolutely insane.

I rolled out of my big, comfy bed, with underwear being the only thing on my body. Overthinking makes me hot, so I ripped off my clothes to cool down.

I walked into my closet, and there it was, Cameron's sweatshirt. I pulled it down from the clothes hanger and slipped it on, the shirt falling a little below my waist.

After I put that on, I checked my hair, fixing it to where it looked half decent.

Then, I headed downstairs wearing only the maroon sweatshirt, and navy blue boxer briefs that fit firmly around my butt.

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