Chapter 1: Let Me Tell You Something

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Before you experience my roller coaster ride of terror & love, you need to know a lot about me & my best friend Baleigh. I am going to start off with myself.

My name is Kade Wall & I am 18 years old. As you know from what you previously read in the title, is that I am gay & I have the biggest crush on Cameron Dallas. Yeah, yeah "You'll never meet him and he'll never fall for you because you're you and he's himself & HE ISN'T GAY!" I have heard it all before, but I have hope.

Here is what I look like. I have thick brown hair that just loves to cooperate with me. My eyes are green and blue like the ocean. I stand 5 foot 7 inches tall. I know that I am short, but you should see Baleigh... *she's so short* I'm just messing with her, Love you best friend. *but yeah, she is short* I am hilarious. I also have a good sense of style. You could call it a gay thing, but I'm sorry I actually want to look good when in public places.

Now, about my sexuality. I do not want to make you cry, but if you get emotionally attached to characters. YOU WILL CRY/MAYBE! So, I will start with the happy stuff. I am not the girly kind of gay guy, but I am not the manly man. I want to be held close and have cute, sexy things whispered in my ears, but I don't want to take control. I guess you could say I'm the "girl" of the relationship you sexist bastard, but that's cool. I'm with you on that. I have the sass and attitude plus, me being one fun mother fucker makes up for it. I have to start with the sad stories now, I'm sorry but it has to happen.

Growing up I learned that I had homophobic parents and they taught be that a man shall not love a man & a woman shall not love a woman. I never fully understood why, but because of the harsh words they said I kept my mouth shut. Later down the road when I was 7 my parents split up and I was hurt. I was also happy because the arguing stopped. I am getting off track. Anyways, years flew by and my mom met someone, they were so happy and he had two daughters. We all moved in together and became so close, I had a complete family again.

"How did you know you were gay?" You may ask & I'll answer. I'm not going to get too into detail because that's awkward for the both of us, but when I was little and my family was together we were in the living room watching 'The Dukes of Hazard' and lord forbid me say that I thought Bo Duke was cute, they gave me a lecture. Of course I didn't know that was wrong, which it wasn't, I didn't even know what gay meant or was, so how could they yell at me?

I am sorry for talking so much, but this is my story and I have a lot to say.

Now, I knew I was gay in the 4th grade because I had a stronger attachment towards guys, & I had no guy friends. ONLY GIRLS! Guys were cuter to me and it just went on from there. I would wink but I can't.

Back on track, people called me "faggot" or "gay" & and at that young age I didn't want that kind of attention. It hurt my feelings. I developed a small depression, but told no one. I survived school until 8th grade and that's when the depression was eating me inside out, I had to tell someone. That someone was my best friend, she supported me and told me she loved me no matter what. It was the best feeling ever and after that, I told my sister or mom's boy friend's daughter. Haha, long title huh? Anyways, she accepted me for me and I felt so much better.

I know, you are getting bored but what is a story when you know nothing about its characters?

I still had bad depression and didn't like being in public. My stomach would hurt and I would want to leave and be home. My mom would become mad at me because I always was nervous and didn't feel well, but I couldn't help that I always felt like shit. Sorry Mom.

I need to give Baleigh some time to introduce herself, but I just have one more story. It's the story of how I came out to my mom.

Well, it all happened after Baleigh left my house one day. That day was already crazy because my mother found out that Baleigh had a black boyfriend. It scared her that she knew because she thought my mom would say something to her parents. Luckily, she didn't. Just that night at the table mom was talking to me and brought up what happened and said some things and I stood up for Baleigh. We got into and argument and I got up from the table and went into my room. I couldn't fight back the tears & I sat in my room, in the dark, on the floor and cried. Later, Mom came in there and talked to me, she asked why I was so depressed and if I was going to hurt myself. I told her no, and that I wasn't ready to talk to her about it, but I was ready. That was the night I needed to tell her and I did and surprisingly she was "okay" with it. I guess.

My life went on I finished my online schooling and now I am 18 and moving to L.A. with my Best Friend because that's what we've always wanted to do. Let's see what it has in store for us, or me in general.

TAKE IT AWAY BALEIGH, It's your turn now. I'm going to get doughnuts.

Okay, let's do this so we can get on with this story.

My name is Baleigh Lynn. I am 18 years old. I have medium length brownish blonde hair, green eyes & I only stand 5 foot 2. I've grown up as an only child my whole life, so it's been a little difficult growing up and not being told "no." I thought I had it made as I child, getting everything I wanted.

As I've grown up, I see life isn't really what all it's cracked up too be. All my life I've done what my parents wanted. Now that I've turned 18, I've become an adult. It's time I start making my own decisions. That's why I'm here, in L.A., with my best friend Kade & my boyfriend Michael, whom my parents would not accept of. I can't wait too see what life in L.A. holds in my near future.

Let's do this together Baleigh, you and I. Through it all.

Yep Kade, we'll get through it together.

Yep, you want a doughnut?


Author's Note :

Thank you for reading the first chapter. I know it was boring, but I want you to be connected to the characters and understand them, & these characters ARE real. Nothing was spoofed other than the age and location but other than that nothing else was changed. Only the story after the introduction is fiction.

Oh, and this first chapter was told in two point of views which were Kade's and Baleigh's. The rest of the story will mainly be in Kade's, but I will tell you if it changes characters.

I hope you enjoy this story, tell me how you like it so far.

I will try and update as much as I can. I will not abandon this.



P.S. I proof read, and fix errors the best I can. If you notice an error that is huge and you don't understand what I tried getting out, let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!

My Happy Ending (A Gay Cameron Dallas Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now