Epilogue: Fast Forward

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| 5 Years Later |

"The last of the boxes are outside on the porch. I've already taken them from the truck." I told Cameron as I sat an additional box on the kitchen counter.

"Okay, I'll bring them in." He said, walking to the door.

I stood with my hands on my hips, and took it all in. I looked around inside Cameron and I's new home. It was quite the dream home, a nice neighborhood, wonderful school system, and space. We had moved to Cameron's hometown of Chino, California. At first, I wasn't so sure, but in this very moment, I knew we had made the right decision.

"Don't you just love it?" Cameron asked, coming up behind me, lacing his arms around me, and kissing my head.

I smiled, "I do love it."

It was later in the evening, 6:00 pm, exactly. Most of the unpacking had been completed, except for small things, such as photos, and some clothes.

"Honey, what would you like me to make for dinner?" I asked, opening the fridge.

"What would you like to make babe?" He asked, as always.

Since I had taken a culinary class, and learned patience while cooking, along with how to cook, every time I ask Cameron what he would like to eat, he always puts it back on me to decide. He tells me that it's because he likes all of my preparations, but I know it's because he would rather not have to think of something. Too much work for him.

I turned and looked at Cameron. I playfully rolled my eyes, and closed the refrigerator doors.

"Seriously Cameron, I do not mind making anything you may like." I said, smiling at him.

He sighed, "It's not that I don't love your cooking, because I do, I just don't want you to cook tonight."

I furrowed my eyebrows, saddened, "Why not? If you don't like the food I make, you can be honest with me. I'm your husband." Saying that is still so new to me. Five years later, and it almost feels as if I'm stuck in the honeymoon stage.

"Kade, honey, I love everything you've made for me, even all of the things you've burned, because I know that no matter the meal you prepare, you do it with love." He got up from the island stool, and kissed me on the cheek, "I only said that, because I know you're tired. I'm tired too, so I say we order pizza, lay on the couch in our pajamas, and have a little lazy, in home date."

I smiled widely at the thought of that. Spending time with Cameron is my most favorite thing to do. Ever since we married, we haven't left one another's side.

"I like that idea." I laughed, and leaned into his arms, his hold.

A couple hours later, Cameron and I had filled up on pizza, and we were slowly dozing off.

"Come on babe." I said holding my hand out to him, "Let's go to bed."

He got off of the couch, and trailed behind me, upstairs to our new bed room. It was the first room to be completely unpacked, and it was beautiful. The space of the room made it what it was, the soft, fluffy carpet gliding between your toes. I loved it.

The two of us laid down, moving closer towards each other, our body heat colliding.

"Cameron." I wanted to get his attention. "Will we start a family? Like have kids?" I asked, blurting it out.

There was a silence, and I rolled over to face him, "Do you want to baby?" He asked.

I sat up, to sit on his waist, "Of course I want to, but it's also if you want to as well."

He didn't say anything at first, but spoke later, "Kade, I want to start a family with you. I want little ones running around, looking like you, looking like me, and I'm ready. I'm ready to start a new chapter with you baby."

He sounded so cheesy, so cliche, but I loved it. I smiled wide, "I love you." I said.

"And I love you." Cameron said, kissing me.

"How do you want to go about this?" I asked, not knowing what he wished to do.

He shrugged, "We could adopt, but I had surrogacy in mind."

I thought to myself, and spoke, "Lets do it. Surrogacy."

For weeks, Cameron and I researched the steps to a successful surrogacy. We went through many organizations, interviewing many women capable of the job. We researched numerous egg donors, and read through file after file, to ensure we find what is perfect for us.

We had found a surrogate, a younger woman, mid-thirties, experienced in this business. Cameron and I had interviewed families that she had blessed by carrying their children, and they all had loved her. I have been so cautious during this whole time, scared of the almost inevitable. Movies really mess you up sometimes. Her name is Elle, and she was going to carry Cameron and I's child.

"Are you ready?" Cameron asked as I grabbed my phone from the night table.

"I guess so." I was nervous.

After all of the things we've been through to get where we are, we had one more step to follow. Cameron and I both had to be tested. One, to make sure we were safe from any diseases, and two, to ensure that if we would even be able to produce strong enough sperm to form a child. Nobody enjoys waiting for news, unsure of whether it will be good or bad. Especially me. A lot had been on my shoulders recently, because Cameron and I decided to use my sperm for the first in vitro fertilization, and not knowing if that will be successful or not is absolutely heart wrenching.

The doctors told us that the results would be in, in a day or two, so until then, I will stress, and continue to do that very thing only.


Author's Note:

Happy Three Year Anniversary Guys! I hope you enjoy these few little short chapters.


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