Chapter 32: Crushed

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I could feel the world spinning around me, my head was light and I took in a deep breath. A part of me was full of heartbreak, while the other part was full of rage. I didn't want to go anywhere but where I was now. Emotionally, I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to learn why he thought I deserved such pain by losing him, or why he would wreck me. I'm not ready, but I need to be. It's too late to turn back; I am strong; I am ready.

My phone vibrated in my hand, startling me. Cameron had texted me, "He's here."

I could see my heart beating through my suit. I have never been this nervous.

I responded back quickly to inform them I was on my way up. Let's hope I can even get dinner settled into my stomach without throwing up.

As I pressed the elevator button, I could feel the rush of tears forming behind my eyes.

"Kade, step it up. You can do this." I said aloud, "After tonight, you don't have to worry about this anymore."

My pep talk made me numb. The tears vanished; now I am completely ready.

The doors opened and I stepped in. I wanted to scream, but it wouldn't help. I stayed quiet and waited for the doors to open again.

I had to walk up a few stairs before reaching the door to the roof. My feet became heavier with every step, and opening the door was even harder.

"Kaden Carlos Wall, open the fucking door." I whispered and did that very thing.

The sun started setting earlier than usual this evening. Some stars were visible, but that's not what I'm here to focus on. Landon was sitting at the table with Cameron, Baleigh & Jordan. He had no guest.

I walked closer and Cameron saw me before anyone. He stood up causing everyone's attention to focus on me. The moment Landon got out of his seat I wanted Cameron to be by my side, to hold me, but he stayed put.

"Kade," Landon smiled, "I didn't know when you would show up." His cold voice frightened me.

I laughed, "You know me. I have to make my dramatic entrances." And that I did.

He smiled and his eyes shifted to something behind me. I could feel another human presence around me, but I was too nervous to turn my back on Landon.

"Kaden." The stranger's voice was no stranger to me. I knew it like I knew no other.

The tears came back and I turned around. His longer brown hair moved in the wind. His suit fit perfectly like it usually did and his eyes stood out to me, taking me back in time.

"Reese." A tear fell upon my cheek.

He moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around my body. I hugged him back. "Kade, I've missed you." He said.

I cried into his chest, "I've missed you too."

I pulled away, "I'm sorry I cried on your suit." I let out a small laugh and wiped away my tears.

"Let's get this dinner over with." He whispered so only I could hear. 

I turned back to the table. Cameron had a seat saved next to him for myself and Reese sat across from me, which was better than sitting across from Landon. Baleigh and Jordan sat on the other side of Cameron.

"Hey Baleigh, hey Jordan." Reese said as he opened his menu.

They smiled at him. They were fake smiles though.

I looked around at everyone, "Okay, I get it. We never thought, in a million years, that this would ever be happening. It's awkward, but we're going to deal with it and eat dinner together. Maybe even carry on small conversations amongst the six of us." My voice was irritated, "Just do it for me. You think this is hard for you? I have two guys I've dated and one I'm dating now all at the same damn table around me. One of them I thought has been dead for two years, but you don't see me being all childish about it. Grow up!"

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