Chapter 17: Baleigh & Kade Day

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The week back with my family flew by like it was nothing. We had so much fun and ended up going mudding one of the days. Cameron had a blast living the life of a country boy for a day. Yeah, it will be a while before he goes again.

We are back in L.A. now and it's 11:30pm, we have about 20 more minutes before we get to my house. Cameron was driving and I was holding the puppy. Jaxx was asleep in the back seat.

"I had a lot of fun this past week." Cameron said not taking his eyes off of the road.

"I did too. Thank you for coming with me." I said looking down at my promise ring.

It's such a thoughtful gift and I love how much he cares about our relationship, but is this too much?

"You're family is awesome." He said, "I wish mine was active in going to get muddy and watch dirt track races." He smiled.

I was rotating the ring around my finger. It was titanium metal with a crystal red band in the middle, "Yeah, They sure are something."

Cameron took one hand off of the wheel and grabbed my hand, "Babe, what's on your mind?"

"Nothing," I said and took my hand out of his, "It's just, are you sure you want to be with me?"

That came out totally wrong.

"Of course I want to be with you. Why would you ask that?" He asked in hurt.

"That's not how I meant it, I meant are you sure you want to make this promise so early? I'm so broken. Are you sure you want to promise something so big to someone who's broken and fragile?" I asked.

"What do you mean broken and fragile?" He was confused.

"I cry all of he time. I hate it, I can't control my emotions though. I wish I could just forget out about Landon and get over the fact that he's dead." I said. I'm as heartless as Alison.

"Kade." He said pulling to the side of the road, so he could look at me, "Loosing someone is hard and you'll never forget it, it will always upset you. I'm fine with being your crying shoulder when the feelings take over. Just because you cry over the death of someone you loved doesn't mean you're broken, or fragile. Kade, it means you're human." He kissed my forehead and gave me a hug.

"I love the ring Cameron. Now let me do this again." I said backing out of his hug.

I took the ring off of his hand & mine. I handed him his, "Cameron Alexander Dallas. I promise, with my heart and soul, to be with you for as long as our sparks fly." I slid the ring on my right, ring finger. Where it was before.

Cameron was smiling and he looked me in the eyes, "Kaden Carlos Wall, I promise, with everything in me, to treat you with love, respect and to be with you through it all." He slid his right, ring finger too.

"Give me a kiss, you dork." I smiled.

Cameron pushed his mouth to mine and moved his lips against my own. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. I bit at Cameron's bottom lip this time and he opened his mouth allowing my tongue to slide between his lips and met his. They fought for dominance and Cameron let me win. I, this time, explored his mouth. Very rarely would I do this because I don't even drink after people. I'm just doing it for him. He pulled away.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked. His face was red.

"No. You just took me by surprise." He scratched the back of his neck, "I liked that." He smiled.

"Not as much as I did."

"Oh, so you do, like to take control?" He asked cocking his eyebrow and smirking.

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