Chapter 30: Flashbacks

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| Cameron's Point of View |

I saw it all happen. The huge pickup truck smashed into Kade's black SUV when they ran the red light. The ringing in my ears never stopped, but I immediately jumped out of my car, leaving it unattended with the door open. Everyone was outside of their vehicles; I noticed many of them calling the police, so I didn't bother. I had to get to Kade. I needed to see if he was alive.

I ran towards the smashed Tahoe. The windshield, along with the windows were shattered. I saw his lifeless body pressed against the broken steering wheel. He couldn't be gone. Kade isn't giving up without a fight. I only hope he's still fighting.

I couldn't get any closer to the scene because of the massive amounts of debris and fuels. The ambulance and police arrived minutes after the incident occurred. Paramedics ran over to me, shaking my shoulder bringing me out of my trance.

"Sir. Sir, I have to ask you to step back." I couldn't move; I could barely hear. The sound of the truck colliding with his car was so loud, that's the only sound replaying through my ears. It was all replaying in my mind, but I brought myself to speak.

"Please tell me he isn't dead."

I remember feeling lightheaded, but when I fell to the ground, I felt nothing else.


"Cameron." I heard someone say. "Cameron, wake up."

It was Baleigh. She was sitting in a chair next to the simple nurses bed I was laying in. I was in the hospital, but I wasn't hooked to any tubes. I only fainted, but it took me awhile to wake up.

I looked at her, "Where is Kade?" I was in a panic; I sat up quite too fast, but I needed to see him.

"Cameron lay down." Jordan said standing at the door. "You can't see Kade right now. Nobody can."

My heart's beat started speeding up and slowing down at wild rates. "Is he alright? Please tell me he isn't gone." I didn't want them to answer my question because I feared the answer.

When I saw him in the driver's seat he didn't look alive. Blood was all over his face, glass was stabbed into his skin. His lack of movement worried me, but I told myself I was too far away to noticed breathing.

"Cameron, Kade is alive. He's beat up really bad, but he's alive." Baleigh's voice sounded numb. Her mascara was smeared; I know she had been crying. I would've been too, but shock controls you like a marionette once it takes over.

I laid back down, "Oh, thank God!" I said with relief, "Has the doctor told either of you his conditions?"

"No. As of right now, we're just as clueless as you." Jordan said as the door began opening slowly.

It was a nurse. I'm not sure if she was mine or Kade's, "I see that you're awake now." She told me, "We ran blood tests and they all came back great, you're perfectly fine. I only ask you to take it easy; you're still in shock because of the horrific tragedy you witnessed. I would also like to inform you that Kaden is awake, and wants to see all of you."

I got off of the terribly uncomfortable bed and waited for her to lead the way. The three of us listened to everything she had to explain. We only had half an hour to speak with him before his antibiotics kicked in and he fell asleep. He was very delusional, but remembered everything. She also informed us that he had 2 fractured ribs. His left shoulder had been dislocated from the crash, but put back into place and in a sling. He was covered in cuts from the glass, and his eyes were bruised from his sunglasses. We were also told that his left lung was bruised from when he hit and broke the steering wheel with his chest, so we shouldn't have him speaking too much or breathing too heavily or it will be extremely painful later on.

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