Epilogue: The News

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It has been two days since Cameron and I's appointment, and we have received no calls. I know for a fact that they are going to call today, I know it in my soul. Cameron isn't home, and I'm alone.

I laid around the house, in my sweats, waiting for the phone to ring. I moved from room to room, laying on anything cushioned. I rolled around on the floor once or twice too, and then it happened. My phone rang, and my heart fell out of my ass. I have never not wanted to answer the phone so badly, and want to answer it at the same time, in my life. This time, I had no choice, I have to answer it.

"Hello." I said.

"Is this Kaden Dallas?" The man asked.

"It is." I answered.

My heart continued to pound. I could hear it in my ears, so loud that as the doctor began to speak, I couldn't hear anything other than the pounding. Bits a pieces stuck out to me though.  

I spoke nervously, "I'm sorry could you say that again?"

"Yes sir. The test results came back today, and we would like to inform you that Cameron Dallas is free of any diseases or infections, as are you, but we did have bad news regarding your results in hope for a successful embryo implantation." His voice was monotonous, almost careless.

My heart had shattered into too many pieces to count, "And that is?" I forced myself to ask.

"The sperm count you offer is weak. Too weak to guarantee any success in latching to the egg. It would be highly unlikely for you to have a child. We are terribly sorry." He showed the slightest bit of sympathy, and finished by informing me that Cameron would offer a way better chance, and although that made me happy, I was still broken.

I ended the call with the doctor, and sat at the bottom in the stairs. My whole world was spinning, and I could feel it. I was dizzy. My heart was broken. My dream of starting a family, a family from me, was just ripped from me. I hated to cry for it was selfish, but it broke me.

Throughout the rest of the day, I would stop crying for a moment, only to be reminded of the news I had gotten hours earlier. I hadn't told anyone anything yet, Cameron was on his way home, and Elle was planning to stop by this afternoon as well, for drinks before her appointment in a few days. I was upstairs, in the bed. The covers were pulled up to my chin, and all around me laid tear covered tissues.

"Baby, I'm home!" I heard Cameron shout from downstairs.

I jumped from the bed, gathering all of the garbage to dispose in the trashcan. I didn't want him to know I have been upset, but when I looked in the mirror, my face was going to tell on me right away. My eyes were red and puffy. I splashed my face with warm water, and walked downstairs.

Cameron saw me and smiled, "Hey Beautiful, have you heard anything from the doctor today?" He hugged me, and kissed my cheek.

"Um, yeah," I began, "They called earlier."

He saw it in my eyes, his expression changed, "Kade, what did they say? Are you okay?"

"We are free from any infections and diseases, so that's a plus." I smiled, and a tear fell down my face, "And I'm not able to have kids. He said that the sperm I offer is not strong enough to attach itself to the egg. I'm sorry Cameron."

Cameron moved to me, hugging me tightly. He didn't say anything at all, letting me sob into his chest. Through this adventure, I had grown more and more excited, to have a child, one of our own, and then had that dream crushed in a second.

"Never apologize again, for something that is not your fault." Cameron said firmly, I could tell that he was upset too, but only upset due to the fact I was blaming myself for this.

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