Kiss me | F.I. x Reader | (1/2)

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I was in extreme need of Frank content,,,

anyways, enjoy! uwu


"They're coming back soon!" Frank struggles the words among giggles as trying to free himself from my grip to get off my lap. His fight is useless since he practically melts under all the kisses I press to his neck and my hands running over his body – not in a sexual manner, but in a way of appreciating the moment of closeness that we rarely get, missing touching him like this.

"And that's exactly why I need to enjoy this until the last second," I tell him with a smile despite being aware of my surroundings to know when to stop. Tightening my arms around him, I make him giggle more as pressing a kiss to his cheek and poking his sides playfully.

A voice coming from the outside makes a curse quietly escape Frank's lips as I quickly let go of him and he sits beside me on the couch. I've still got a smile on my lips while watching Frank run his hands through his hair to fix it, still grinning at me. The others walk into the bus, their chatter slowly filling the room, but ceasing with them greeting us. Gerard raises an eyebrow when walking past us, though he never says anything.

"What happened to Frank? He looks like..." Mikey doesn't find a comparative, shrugging with a puzzled face, taking a seat on the couch across from us and Ray joins him.

"Stupid crackhead had a laughing fit as telling his terrible jokes." I roll my eyes, leaning back against the couch. Lying to them got easier through the time even with it still leaving me guilty. Well, it's all a matter of getting used.

"I swear, Frank's the only one who find his jokes funny." Boredom is clear in Mikey's voice and I can't help but to laugh at the matching look he shoots Frank.

Frank pouts. "Not my fault your sense of humor is so bad, Mikey!" He doesn't even bother seeing Mikey's reaction, throwing his nose in the air and crossing his arms, lazily leaning against me. The complaints coming from Mikey go completely ignored, reaching Frank's unsaid goal of making him more annoyed.

This started some months ago when Frank and I were just hanging out together after a concert – we went to buy something; actually, cold drinks, I believe – when the line between jokingly flirting and seriously flirting ended up getting too blurry. And things escalated. We didn't tell the others not due to reasons of trust or whatever, but just because we're afraid we'll not be able to keep our mouths shut after it and bringing it to the public would be shit. Of course, we would be able to still be friends peacefully if this 'relationship' didn't turn out right, however, things could get awkward with the media and the fans' reactions. It's difficult dealing with these.

Not like this is completely bad. We have always been naturally more glued to each other almost since we met and the playful flirting became something normal. And, now, they just can't tell the difference between the real and joking flirting, can they?

Hell, maybe they can.

"Holy fuck, can't you sit still? You're so annoying!" I complain as watching Frank shift around the couch until his legs are hanging off the arm of the couch and his head is on my lap. He can easily see through the fake mad expression and smiles up at me, lazily.

"You're so beautiful when you're being annoying."

"If you had the same luck, you'd be beautiful the whole time, Frankie." I press my lips together in a smile and run my fingers through his hair, chuckling at how he dramatically plays offended and rolls onto his side to talk with the others. Not without grabbing my hand and placing it on his hair again for me to keep playing with it, of course, this little... Okay, I'll stop acting like if I don't atually enjoy doing it.

Frank Iero x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now