✘*Why not? | F.G. x Reader

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Requested by Nobody7796


My eyes narrow as I bit down on my lip, slowly turning the pliers until a clicking sound comes from the chain and I sigh, pleased with the result I achieve. I bring the chain closer to take a look at it. Seems good.

"Hey," Party says as walking into the diner area, adjusting his holster. "We're leaving for a Drac hunt," he explains while looking from Ghoul – who sits on the counter with a few magazines in hands – to me. Jet and Kobra walk past him, both also adjusting their guns and masks, with only the latter bothering to wave us goodbye before disappearing past the front doors. "Don't have sex while we're gone," Party tells us with a quiet laugh, though there's a clear serious edge that leaves him a bit awkward. "Anyways, take care!" He nods as leaving, Ghoul and I muttering goodbye.

As soon as we hear Trans AM's door being thrown shut and the car driving away, we stop observing the front door to look at each other. Both of us share the same thought. What are we going to do? We are going to fuck, obviously, because why not?

Ghoul is quick to put his magazines away, rushing towards me while glancing outside and I can't help but to do the same just check if we are really alone. His arms are wrapped around my neck before I can notice, lips pressed to mine in an urgency that I take some time to process, but am soon kissing him back with the same eagerness with my hands on his hips and taking slow steps to the next booth.

Feeling the edge of the table hit the back of his thighs has Ghoul letting go of my neck for a moment to help himself up on the surface, smiling proudly when we pull away from the kiss, quietly gazing at each other, but it doesn't take long until a hand on the back of my head is pulling me towards him again.

I place my hands on Ghoul's knees, pulling them apart, before trailing them up to his thighs, letting my thumbs sink lightly into the clothed skin as I pull him closer just enough to push our hips together.

"Fuck, Ghoul," I breath as pulling away lightly, bringing a hand to palm on him through his jeans and watching his face slowly become red with it. A small, amused smile tugs on my lips while I observe him and start adding more pressure to my movements – a quiet hum escapes his throat, but he nibbles down on his bottom lip, muffling any other noise.

"I-I—" Ghoul stutters, breath hitching lightly as he places a hand on my chest and shifts his hips, pushing himself against my hand. He shakes his head to myself and recomposes himself to be able to start tugging on my shirt, eyebrows furrowing lightly, jaw going tense.

Eventually, I'm forced to stop my motions so I can get rid of my shirt, proceeding to do the same to his, what seems to please him. His arms are thrown around my neck once again after the shirt is on the ground and I've got my lips pressed to his neck this time, not wasting time in nibbling and sucking on the most sensitive spot by the base of his neck. A gasp escapes Ghoul's throat at this, followed by yet another one when I grind my hips against his, and can't hold back a moan at the feeling.

"Please, c'mon," Ghoul mutters under his breath, fumbling with my belt and being quick to undo my pants, starting to pull them down.

I don't complain. I pull away only to get rid of my pants along with the underwear, feeling Ghoul's gaze following every little movement despite also working on his own, so I'm quick to resume my position. He presses his lips against mine, humming in appreciation when I take over and help him with pulling his clothes down until he's able to kick them away – it results in a brief moment of distraction I use to wrap a hand around his dick, grip tight, thumb slowly working along the underside.

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