I'll fix your scrapes and bruises | Pastel F.I. x Reader

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Heyy, children

ttttyjo here's some Pastel Frank to keep us alive
Help with the plot by xbloodbulletx 

Why are the oneshots where Frank's kinda ((or really)) sub more popular?? I guess I'm starting to get something about y'all >_>


Someone,,, anyone who has an x reader book about MCR or emo bands,,, please write me a current Gerard x Reader, please dshjfgjghd I need it so much


I try to stop singing while skating down the park, remembering how it got me distracted last time and sent me to kiss the ground. Thank God the park isn't really crowded today; there aren't many risks of me crashing into someone or being yelled at for almost hitting a person when they were the one who saw me coming and didn't move. It seems, however, that I am wrong, after all.

In the way, there's a guy distracted by something I can't identify, but it's clearly enough for him to not listen to me yelling at him to move or the sound of skateboard's wheels rolling against the concrete. It was either crashing right into him or kissing the ground again after losing balance because of a hole in the concrete. Sadly, with the panic, I couldn't really think and decide what to do and just noticed the doubt's conclusion when already being on the ground.

Blinking a few times before being able to focus on what's in front of me, I widen my eyes realizing I somehow landed across the guy. He's laying on his stomach and I can't help but to notice his sweet scent because of the proximity. "Shit..." I mutter, trying to ignore the pain in my legs and torso and get off of him then stand up. - Damn, that was embarrassing. Fuck; I think to myself as turning to the guy, seeing we somehow weren't lucky enough to land on one of the grassed parts around the concrete paths.

"Hey," I say to him and bend down to touch his elbows, that are covered by a light blue cardigan. "let me help you up..." While standing up, he releases a few grunts and whines. If I'm hurt, it's even worse to him, because I didn't even hit the ground directly properly. "You okay?" I ask carefully, eyeing him up and down. I can notice he hurt his knees, ouch.

Cute; I can't help but to think when noticing his pastel green shorts and light purple high socks. That's not the moment to think about that! I shake my head, trying to get the thoughts away and look at his face. He isn't looking at something specific, but his breath is heavy and eyes watering. His eyebrows furrow in that way your mind is processing everything that just happened before he starts crying.

"Shit, shit, shit, it's okay," I place my hands over his shoulders hesitantly, a poor attempt of calming him down. "I, uh, can help you." I nod, adding emphasis to what I just stated. "My flat, it's not too far." I point to a building across the street. This is a park I like to come daily - or at least every day I'm able to - because it's right next to where I live. "I'll fix your scrapes and bruises." I say softly. He eyes me kinda uncertain - his throat moves as he swallows hard, trying to not start fully crying. "I won't try anything, I promise. I'll just feel bad if I don't help you, okay?" I offer him a small smile. Not really reacting at first, he simply eyes me and then nods, sniffling.

I grab my skateboard before we start walking towards my flat. The elevator takes us to my floor - the third one -, since neither of us are really well after such a fall. I mean, I guess it doesn't hurt as much because of the fall than it does because of the shock before meeting the ground; all the muscles contracting in surprise when your body notices you're falling. Well, at least that's it for me.

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