Cinderella...? | F.I. x Reader | AU | (2/2)

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I got in Pinterest to look for a pic for this chap and got out of there with 120 new pics

Original suggestion by thatonenerd06
Part two requested by xbloodbulletx

Btw, the story told in this oneshot is true


You guys know when in the oneshot 'A Kiss?' ((from this book)) Frank said his band's name is 'Paint It Black'? So, it's actually a Rolling Stones reference, not a WTTBP one



"Of course I've fought in a war, the kingdom was in a war with the Sepultura one until not too long ago."

"I remember that, but were you really there?" Frank's eyes widen as I raise my shirt, showing him a scar I have across my side.

"Still doubt it?" I raise an eyebrow at him, as he continues staring at it for a few seconds before flinching and shaking his head. The shirt falls back to its place as I roll my eyes. "I'm not just another noble made out of porcelain," I twist my mouth lightly. "I know how to handle a sword and a shield."

"I'm not saying you're like that..." He looks down, "Just didn't expect it."

"It's alright, I got it." I place an arm around his shoulders and kiss his cheek. We just sit there in silence, side by side as having nothing else to do in the empty living room. "Hey," I say, resting my chin over his shoulder, "wanna go somewhere?" He looks at me questioningly and I grin, "Staying locked up inside this castle is so boring, why don't we go explore?"

"Oh..." He seems to think for a moment, "Like where?"

"It sounds cliche, but... surprise." I chuckle when he rolls his eyes. "C'mon, not like we've got anything else entertaining to do." I pout lightly.

"Alright." Frank finally agrees and I take his hand in mine to pull him along as I stand up, dragging him along with me to outside. He doesn't really seem to mind - it's not the first time I drag him around like this; I'm always wanting him to meet new places and see new things.

Soon, we're walking through the woods that are located around the castle. The place is beautiful and clearly amuses him, what can be noticed by the way he looks around, his lips slightly parted. I don't judge him, even seeing that scene often, I'm always mesmerized by the morning sun creeping between the tall trees' leaves and illuminating the ground and other plants, accentuating the colors of flowers or any butterfly that appears here and there. It's amazing how the place is calm; you're practically just able to hear the sound of the wind between the plants, animals that are casually around and your footsteps that eventually crash a root or dry leaf one time or another.

"Are we going somewhere specific?" Frank asks after a couple of minutes in silence, his eyes finally stopping to dart around and resting on mine while talking. I hum in agreement. "You're used to exploring it here, aren't you?" He asks and I can't help but to crack a grin, nodding.

"Since when I was a child. I had to find a place to hide from all the responsibilities. Not that it worked, but..." I shrug. "it's nice knowing a new place no one else knows or frequents." I flash a smile at him.

"You've not shown it to anyone else?" He asks with slightly widened eyes, surprise present in his voice.

I shake my head. "I never thought anyone deserved that." Having people you don't like on 'your' place isn't one of the best things. I trust and like him, I believe I should bring him there with me. - Frank quietly 'oh's and I smile. "It's not like people don't know it here, it's just hidden and forgotten."

Frank Iero x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now