Thank You For The Venom | Vampire! F.I. x Reader

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Here's the Vampire! Frank au as promised :)))
xbloodbulletx here it is, finally


By the way, I'm sorry if someone is Christian and feels offended by some comments, but it's just a story and even I don't agree with everything I write - it's the characters speaking, not me


"I said: explain right now or else I'll shoot if you move!" The guy's gun alternates between Frank and I, who have our hands raised high in the air and are as still as a statue. Practically, just half of his dark brown irises are seen under the angry furrowed eyebrows as he leans his head forward lightly; an attempt of looking more threatening. His friends are by his sides, slightly behind him, one of the three with guns in hands while the other two carry metal bars.

"Calm down, sir-" I start in a extremely calm tone, almost like if talking to a baby, but it doesn't seem to be well comprehended by him.

"Explain now!" Even being loud, his shout didn't startle Frank or me. Maybe we've been through too much to be startled just by a shout coming from a deplorable guy.

Silence hovers between us once again, creating a tense atmosphere constituted simply by the stares shot between each one of us, making everyone feel like if we're in an immense pool of thoughts and anxiety, where everyone is ready for whatever the other does. We would probably jump scared with the sound of a feather falling to the floor.

Frank is the first one to move, receiving the guns' aims right at him as he lowers his arms. A simple movement, a step, is enough to scare the men in a way they start shooting nonstop until their cylinders are empty. May I say, even I get surprised with it since I didn't know they were this scared.

With widened eyes, I watch Frank's body laying on the floor - his suit is full of holes while a small pool of blood starts forming around him, soaking the fabric too. After all the shots' loud sounds, no other sound is heard anymore - except for everyone's heavy breathes and the faint ringing sound that seems to fill the whole room, not mattering if I know it's just heard individually.

Everyone watches Frank intently, but for different reasons. The men are probably relieved from having less one to go, knowing it'll be easier since they already took down the apparently most dangerous adversary. On the other hand, I watch him, bored.

Exhaling sharply, I crouch down next to Frank, hiding my carefulness with confidence - I know none of them has bullets or another gun anymore, so I'll have time enough to react until one of them reaches me. "Frank, my love, tell me," My voice sounds completely mocking, the exact way I want it to sound as I place a forearm over my knee. "what's life like, bleeding on the floor?"

Gasps leave the men's mouths at the exact same time Frank releases a chuckle, seconds later after my question is made; their breathes are caught on their throats and I don't even need to take a glance to know how shocked they are. Up once again, I watch Frank's shoulders contracting repeatedly with the action, until he starts slowly healing himself and, as consequence, the bloodied bullets fall to the floor. Metallic sounds to echo through the place until the last of them falls - what happens when he's already on his feet.

"Damn," Frank groans as stretching himself, throwing his arms to behind his head as his hands are linked and his body slightly forward. "I love that feeling... It's like I'm a new me." He snickers as his hands fall back to his side, looking at me in a wait for a similar reaction. "The only problem is that I need to get a new suit every time it happens. This was my favorite one." His mouth twists in frustration.

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