Redamancy | F.I. x Reader

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Aight, guyzzz
So, I'll probably start being less active after 03/09 because my classes are going to start again then and all, but I'm preparing some extra content to publish then :) It's kind of a new and idk if you'll like that, but whatever, I just hope you do


"Frank!" I grin as walking in his room, ignoring the curious look he shoots me, and sit down on the edge of his bed. He lays there in his black hoodie and dark sweatpants, leaving his phone on the mattress to give me attention. "Up to hanging out?"

He opens his mouth to say something, but quickly changes his mind, what takes him a moment before finally doing it. "First, how did you get here?" His eyes narrow at me in a kind of suspicious manner.

How idiot - I slowly shake my head in disbelief. "You know I have a key. Also, you may have not read it, but I texted you I was coming over, you bitch!" I slap his arm playfully, watching him mockingly twist his face in annoyance at me. "But do you?"

"It's raining." Frank's attempt of getting me to give up makes itself clear by the way he grabs his phone again, just for it to be quickly taken by me. He groans at this, huffing. A done look is over his face when he throws his head back, eyeing me through half lidded eyes, wordlessly asking me if I'm satisfied.

"Correction, it's just aesthetic." I joke, just really liking to see his annoyed manners. "I mean, it's so light that most people aren't even using umbrellas or whatever. And," Leaning in, I stop when having our lips about an inch apart, not having the intention of kissing him. "it's the first time I'm free in a while, so we better enjoy it because I noticed you'be been just stuck inside this room lately."

"No..." He whines quietly, bringing me for a hug - that I gladly return - by wrapping his arms around my neck. Damn, he's just so fucking warm... After walking around in that rain and cold wind, it feels like the best thing ever. Not like his presence isn't enough already, tho. Burying my face on the crook of his neck, I inhale deeply, letting his smell fill my lungs, followed by the comfort taking over me. "We can just cuddle." Frank mutters against the side of my face.

"No, you're going out with me because you've already been inside this room enough." In an attempt of convincing him, I copy his whiny tone. "Everyone was complaining in the chat group that you're not showing up whenever they decide to go out or something. I made sure of getting some free time this week to spend some time with you. A shame it's not the perfect weather, but whatever." I pull away enough to look at his eyes, watching it as he lazily gazes back at me. Exhaling, he just starts leaning in, but I lean back more before he's able to do anything. "What do you say?" My smirk matches my teasing tone as I eye him in entertainment.

Frank furrows his eyebrows at me, gazing at me for a few seconds like if checking if I'm going to change my mind. It never happens, however, and he wrinkles his nose once noticing it. "Okay..." He says in a long groan, snatching a chuckle of me - which's interrupted by him cupping my face and finally bringing me for a kiss.

After Frank changes, we leave his house hand in hand. The cold breeze embraces us as soon as we step out and its huge temperature contrast makes Frank noticeably shiver, hiding further in his large hoodie. His eyes travel around the sky for a moment, observing the light grey clouds that cover all of it, but he starts repeatedly blinking when a drop of rain probably falls in his eye. The small drops give us a momentarily cold sensation whenever hitting any part of our body that isn't covered by clothes; something we quickly get used to.

"It's still raining!" Frank whines like a small kid, pouting adorably. Not resisting to it, I peck his pout, which seems to please him.

"What's the problem?" I raise an eyebrow at him, walking around the puddles on the sidewalk. "You're going to melt? Are you, what, made out of sugar?" My tone gains a teasing tone as I once again smirk at him, tilting my head towards him lightly - that makes his cheeks gain a light tone of pink. "Like, I know you're really sweet and all, but not like this..."

Scoffing, Frank rolls his eyes and shakes his head - an useless attempt of hiding his embarrassment. We fall once again in a comfortable silence. The city is mostly quiet since it's a normal week day and everyone is currently either studying or working, not to mention the people hiding from the rain. It creates a nice atmosphere everywhere - an incessant thin rain falling over the city as we quietly walk around, with a car or two eventually passing by. Faint and incoherent conversations follow the gushes of hot air coming from stores, restaurants or cafes whenever we pass in front of one.

"And how are you feeling?" The question sounds kind of muffled even tho I say it normally, like if the universe itself didn't really want it to be spoken. My attention isn't really at Frank either; I'm more focused in trying to step over a puddle without walking around it, successfully managing to do so, but almost losing my balance.

Frank's eyes watch my feet as he thinks for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip as his eyes, another time, weight at the familiar feeling. "Exhausted, I guess." His answer comes out muttered, like if he was somehow afraid of admitting it. Angry for being this way.

"It's alright." I mutter out in a comforting tone, adjusting my grip around his hand. "We all feel this way at some point." Me too. I'm honestly tired of working so much, but I need to do so if I want to help investing any money in the band.

"You should honestly leave me," Frank continues, surprisingly using a tone like if he was talking about a trivial matter. "like, you needed to work extra hours during the week just to spend some time with me today and all. I'm just an useless worry." Frank's hazel irises are momentarily covered by his lids a last time before focusing on me, carrying a feeling that he'd hate to confess feeling it.

My eyebrows immediately furrow at his words, feeling them directly attacking my chest. With both fear and sadness. "No." I say softly, stopping and taking both his hands in mine as facing him. "C'mon, I need you. I love you so much. And it's not just you that's going through all of this. All of us are, practically. Stop saying bullshit and thinking about it this way, we're going to get through this." The discomfort in my chest is slowly quietened as I also remind myself of what I affirm. He doesn't say anything - his eyebrows twitch while he presses his lips together in thought, now reflecting warmer feelings through his eyes. Smiling, I pull one of his dark strands away from his face and lean in for a kiss, softly pecking his lips before muttering against them. "Let the rain wash away, all the pain."



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