✘Bet? | F.I. x Reader

978 22 10


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Taking a pause from the tour is agonizingly terrible sometimes. All we want to do is to continue the tour as soon as possible, though we're also equally eager to spend some time back home and visit a few people and places – something we've already done, actually, so what actually rests now is only wanting to get back on that bus. The break still lasts for four days now.

A sigh escapes my lips as I shift on the couch, my legs on Frank's lap whilst we watch TV, mostly staring at the images of a movie we've watched a hundred times already and alone with our thoughts.

"Y'know, we could use this time to actually fuck because we can't do that on tour."

"I–" Frank furrows his eyebrows, looking at me. "How random."

I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "I mean, yeah, but it's not like it's a bad idea, hm?" I nudge his thigh lightly – he shrugs, tilting his head. "We should, dunno, try something new."

"What do you suggest?" He breathes, a hand placed on my leg. So he's actually interested, hm?


"Nah!" He pouts lightly. "It's boring!"

Boring? I scoff. "Why do you think that?"

"Well, like..." Frank scratches the back of his head. "There's not a lot of action going on. Just a person jerking off the other, not letting them come a few times and all that stuff. I think it sounds boring– It is boring." I snort. "What?"

"Bet?" I can't help but to grin.

"Bet," he replies almost immediately. That's going to be fun.

The TV is turned off before we can move upstairs; Frank sends me weird looks the whole time, apparently still not understanding how edging can't be boring. Either he's never done it or whoever did it to him, did a very bad job.

"Good thing you got me." I chuckle – he hums questioningly, but I only give his ass a slap in response, making him squeal as we reach the last steps of the stairs. He curses under his breath, rushing when I threaten to do it again, a race that only comes to an end after he walks into the bedroom and sits down on the bed, looking at me with a grin. "Let's see how long that attitude will last," I challenge, seeing his grin drop a little. "Strip."

Frank stands up, sending a glare my way as I probably spend a bit too long staring at his ass once he starts lowering his boxers. I look away with a chuckle, resuming rummaging through the dresser's drawer for a tie, opting for a red one that's good enough for the job.

"Lie down," I tell him.

Frank follows the tie with his eyes whereas doing as told. The mattress sinks under my knees as I climb on it and straddle him, taking both of his wrists; he tenses up, compelling me to pause, but soon relaxes again and I carry on to tie his wrists together before tying them to the headboard, making sure the red fabric isn't digging into his wrists too tightly.

"Is that needed?" he mumbles, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh, if it is!" I move off to the side then spread his legs so I can position myself between them, letting my hands rest flat on his thighs at first.

"Not gonna get rid of your clothes?" Frank looks at me. His Adam's apple bobs up and down with an audible swallow and he fidgets with the tie, though not uncomfortably, apparently.

"I don't think you're exactly understanding what's going to happen," I say softly, taking a hold of his cock to start with a few slow pumps. "It's all about you, hun." My thumb runs along the underside and, though not completely hard already, his thighs do twitch in response.

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