;I'm offended | Smol! F.I. x Tol! Reader | (1/?)

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thank you Im_CrazyKate for the support uwu

Y'all, this is just a bunch of cute and fluff moments because I love them :DD


"Do birds ever sit on you and get confused?" A guy asks, but I ignore him. "Hey, I'm talking with you, tree!"

Stopping, I look around and pretend to be confused. "Hm? Who said that? Weird, I don't see anyone." And ignoring the idiot's curses, I walk away to the library. I do need to get a book for the literature class.

As always, the library is quiet but still has it's characteristic heavy atmosphere. There are some students at the tables, studying, others looking through the books and I bet there are others between the shelves.

"Hey." I say quietly, approaching the librarian. "Where can I find the book, erm, Lord of the Flies?"

"Allegorical novel, second line, fourth roll, letter G." She replies and I nod, thanking her and walking towards the said place.

Reaching the fourth roll, I put myself to look for the letter G. It's probably by the end of the G section since it's Golding, William.

"Look at how tall that girl is!" I hear a loud whisper... if you can consider that a whisper.

"Quiet, Frank! It's rude to talk like this about people and we're in a library." Another one says quieter than the first one.

"But look! She's so tall!"

"Yes, the complete opposite of you, now come on- hey, what are you doing?" The last sentene goes out in a desperate tone.

In curiosity, I'm about to turn to look at them, discreetly, just to know what would the amused one do, when I see a guy - probably the amused one - jumping around me, just like a little child. He has a cute angry expression on and his hands in a fighting stance. I hold back a smile.

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you trying to offend me with this height?" He asks.

I hold back a chuckle this time, "Are you this angry because you're closer to hell?"

He narrows his eyes at me, "I may be closer to hell but at least I'm not a demon invading the heaven!"

His friend approaches and speaks up. "I-I'm sorry for him. He can be a bit rude sometimes."

"No problems. He's not offensive like the others usually are. He's kinda cute." I say patting the shorter's head. I finally let out a chuckle seeing him growl.

Looking up, at his friend, I notice he isn't that shorter than me, less than ten centimeters.

"I'm not cute!"

"Just made you even cuter!" I smile and he gives me a look.

His friend scoffs, "I'm Michael, everyone calls me Mikey."

"(Y/n). And you, little one?"

The shorter puts on a triggered look, "I'm Frank. And I don't appreciate your height."

"Frank!" Mikey says.

"It's true!" Frank replies and I chuckle.

"What building are you two from?" I ask.

"I'm from Chemistry, third year." Mikey replies. "Frank's from-"

"Hey, I have my own voice!" Frank interrupts the other - who mutters a quiet 'which is also a loud one...' -, "I'm from the English one, first year."

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