Family Values | F.I. x Reader | AU!

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Requested by Kooppyy

Plot help by S00TY_W4Y

*not proofread, I'm too tired


I clap my hands lightly to gain everyone's attention, making the chatter going on between them immediately die down as attentive eyes avert to me, waiting. "Okay, so everyone got their things? Everyone alright? I don't want anyone complaining once we get onboard." I glare, a smile tugging on my lips.

"We're okay, mom!" Lily jumps excitedly and all of the others nod, muttering in agreement.

"Let's go, then!" I take my luggage in hand only for it to be taken away, someone's hand replacing mine – I raise my eyebrows at seeing Frank there even if, somehow, I already knew it was him. He smiles, pecking my lips, and is already walking away before I can even say something.

With the luggage being left in our rooms, we go up to the deck, wanting to take a look around and already start enjoying the much wanted vacations.

"They've got activities," Miles says and Frank and I turn to see him with a paper in hand, a person hands out more like these in the background. Lily and Cherry look over his shoulders, all of them having a similar interested expression on their faces. "Can we go?"

"Let me take a look." Frank takes the paper in hands and the kids watch him expectantly – I step closer, running my eyes over the letter. We share a look before looking down at the kids, making them cheer after we nod. It can't be that bad, even more with so many monitors around, as the paper says and it shows. Frank is about to say something when suddenly a girl around their age approaches, all grinning.

"Hello," she says, moving her head in a way her blonde hair bounces lightly, tied in a ponytail. "Nice to see other kids my age here! I'm Amanda Buckman, nice to meet you!" Amanda hums softly and looks from the kids to us, her smile falling a bit as she observes everyone in the family – it starts with noticing the kids' clothes then Frank and I before she's clearly observing Mikey, Gerard and Ray, who talk to each other a few feet behind us. "Why are you dressed like this?"

"Like what?" Lily looks at her, tilts her head, though not at her question.

Amanda just twists her mouth in response, thinking about an answer for a bit too long, until the opportunity is lost with her parents approaching. A traditional couple, of course, with elegant clothes and fine jewels adorning them.

"Nice to meet you, we are the Buckmans!" The woman grins, showing her daughter's manners are pretty similar to hers. "I see our daughter has already grown fond of your kids, I hope they get along well!" She looks at the kids warmly while her husband only nods. "Oh, where are my manners," she exclaims, throwing her hands in the air, "let me introduce ourselves! I'm Ellen and this is my husband Don." Her husband smiles, bowing lightly.

I press my lips together into a smile. "We're, um, the Demolition Lovers." The couple raises an eyebrow at us and I nod. "That's the family's name. I'm (y/n) and this is my husband, Frank." We smile at each other, his arm wrapping around my waist, and kiss shortly so I can continue. "These are our kids, Lily, Cherry and Miles." Each nod as their name is mentioned. "Then, there is Mikey, Ray and..." I point to each, sighing when finding out Gerard isn't there. "Well, there's Gerard. He must've found something interesting." I shrug.

"Why are you dressed like someone died?" Amanda asks again, eyeing us from head to foot – her parents' faces go almost as red as Gerard's hair, both of them stuttering apologies.

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