The best birthday gift | Pastel! F.I. x Punk! Reader

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Requested by Gee284


"But what do you really really want for your birthday?" Frank rests his head on my shoulder as he looks at me through his lashes, making me the same question he's been bugging me with for the past week.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I roll my eyes despite the small smile tugging on my lips and pause on mixing the pink pancake batter so I can wrap an arm around him—he immediately presses close to me, arms around my neck—to press my lips to his in a hope that he will forget the idea for at least a moment. Even if he kisses back, he still hums annoyedly against my lips, patting my chest lightly.

"You didn't answer the question!" Frank pouts, his power-stay soft pink lipstick still the same on his lips.

"To spend the end of the day with my boy, does that work?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You have me everyday," he groans as he buries his face in the crook of my neck.

"Sorry," I chuckle, "I don't want anything more. Just having you is fine." I press a kiss to the side of Frank's face, going back to mixing the batter with one hand just to make sure the pieces of berries are evenly spread in it. "C'mon, let me make you pancakes, bubblegum." I nuzzle his neck enough for him to squeal with a shudder before letting go. He smells so good, so sweet.

"You're not funny," Frank sighs.

"Oh, really?" I smile to myself as I pour some of the batter into the heart shaped mold in the pan. The things I would like to receive for my birthday are probably out of Frank's budget—not to mention it is stuff he shouldn't bother spending his money with—, so there's not even a reason to tell him what I want and then say he doesn't need to buy it. Because he will.

"Yeah! And that's why I'm leaving you." Frank's pout poorly hides the smile he tries to suppress, in a way he needs to look away from me. He sits on the counter now, leaning forward on his knees with his arms crossed over his lap, probably going to leave red marks on his thighs that are exposed between his soft purple boxers and pastel green thigh highs that match his shirt.

"You're leaving me?" I gasp, grabbing the spatula to flip the pancake.


"Oh, so I guess these pancakes are for no one, then, right?" I exhale heavily, shaking my head. "And, damn, I'm getting no cuddles later! I'll have no one to spoil, no one to cuddle, no one to give good night kissies or do my makeup, that's so damn sad!" I sniff a little, about to say something else when there are arms wrapped around my waist from behind to hug me tightly as Frank buries his face in my back.

"Don't say that!" His whines are muffled against my shirt as he clenches his hands around it. "No, 'm sorry, I won't do it! I didn't mean it at all!"

"I'm just joking, bubblegum!" My heart sinks a little, but I make sure to put the pancake away on the plate before pulling him closer to press a kiss to his cheek then to his lips. "I know you're not going anywhere, you're all mine." I brush my nose against his lightly, soon pulling away to finish the pancakes, hating how I can't just go cuddle him right now.

"All yours," he sighs, moving to hug me from behind once again.

Soon, there's a small pile of pancakes on a plate, which I decorate with syrup, icing, a few sprinkles, and a cherry on the top so I can serve it to Frank with almond milk in the cat paw Starbucks cup. He smiles at me from his place at the table with a grin, already having a fork in hand.

"Cute thing," I mumble, stopping him from taking a bite from the pancake by pulling his head up with a hand around his jaw just to peck his lips despite the groan that comes from him. The bad humor is replaced by a small smile once I come back to sit down next to him with my own food, which isn't a lot, given how the pancakes are just what Frank had asked me to prepare him before we can go to bed—terrible choice that I decided to agree with after a whole week of him 'behaving', aka not calling me every five minutes when I'm at work or picking up a fight with everyone and everything when he's not in a good mood.

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