✘"All mine... but not quite | G.W. x F.I. x Reader x R.T.

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The idea of being in the same room with the three at the same time sounds so fucking tiring and makes me question why in the hell I offered to drive them to the interview they got today. It means a little under three hours, most likely listening to Gerard, Frank and Ray arguing or having to endure them glaring at each other. Mikey, that smart motherfucker, jumped out with some excuse he would be busy, which I would totally have done if this hadn't been set previously without me being aware of the details.

"Let's go!" I pull my sunglasses down on my face, about to open the door to the driver seat when silence falls between the three and they start to glare at each other across the car. There we go again. "No, no, no! No one on the passenger seat! The three of you are going in the back!" And it makes them either glare at me or gasp. "No complaining! I'm already going to stay in a car with all of you for the next three hours, so the annoyance better not start now! C'mon! You're not getting late for the interview this time."

"Only doing this cuz I love you," Frank says, followed by a groan and a glare from Gerard.

It's okay. There's been worse.

The whole bullshit—I refer to it like this affectionately—started a few years ago when the guys started to get comfortable around me, sometime after I had joined the band's staff. I don't remember whose attention I caught first, but Frank was the first one to corner me against a wall with his lips pressed to mine, which quickly reached Gerard and Ray's ears and started this sort of... competition? I don't know how to name it. While it may sound like I don't enjoy it, it's the complete opposite because I care deeply for the three, but I'd just like them to at least for once listen to me when I say we can fucking share, and not look like they'll lunge at each other in any moment whenever at least two of them are in the same room. We will get there, hopefully.

Everything goes a little too well during the first half of the trip, hence I'm even afraid to say something in case I'll disturb the peacefulness, sometimes glancing at the rearview mirror to check on the guys and I can't help but to melt a little at the sight of Frank napping with his head on Gerard's shoulder. Gerard messes with his phone and Ray looks out the window, everyone is so quiet. It's quite peaceful.

Fuck, they look so beautiful under the golden light of the sunset, making me wish I didn't have to be so attentive to the road right now or that I could at least take a picture of them.


A little cough from Frank echoing over the low humming of the engine warns me he's awake again, but I don't know for how long it's been like this. He doesn't seem like he woke up just now even if it's dark already—my sunglasses have been resting on the passenger seat along with my cellphone for a while now.

Gerard catches my gaze through the rearview mirror, his hazel eyes glinting for a moment under the light of the light post we drive past. "How much longer?"

I glance at the dashboard. "About forty minutes."

"Are you good with driving?" Gerard offers with a sigh and adjusts his posture on the seat. "I can take over if you want to rest a little." He sighs in a poor attempt to stretch himself in the small space.

"No, Gee, chill, it's all good!" I smile at him through the mirror. "It's not the first time, y'know."

"Yeah, I know." He nods. "Just making sure."

I hum quietly in response.

"Don't hesitate to ask if you're tired, though." Ray cuts in, cleaning his throat. "It's not because it's not the first time or because it's your job that you should push yourself."

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