Loversong | F.I. x Reader | (2/2)

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Hey bbies
Here I am with the part two that xbloodbulletx requested
Thx again to Kate for the support


"I have good news." I say with a smile, "Y'know the summer festival? So, I'm gonna present on it."

"Really?" Frank says with a happy expression, "Congrats, love!" He pulls me to a hug and kisses my cheek. "When's it gonna happen?"

"Next Saturday. You're going to watch me, right?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" He grins. "I can't miss it."

"I'm going to text you the schedule of it later, alright?" I ask and he nods. Excited, I hug him while jumping on my place lightly. "I'm so anxious!"

"What song is it gonna be?"

"I decided to play Lovesong, I like it a lot." I comment. "Like, mainly. There's also gonna be Rose En La Vie and some others, I highly appreciate them."

"I highly appreciate you playing them."

"Like, I'm going to present playing that white grand piano, it's so beautiful!" I say excitedly. He pulls away and takes my hands on his, eyeing me carefully and nodding. "I'm going to present in an instrument I've always wanted and songs I love." I grin pausing, "I've always wanted to show my work to people in something more serious like this and it's just a great opportunity. Imagine if someone likes me playing and recommends me to someone or some shit that helps me getting more known!"

"Of course!" His expression is equally cheerful, "I wish you the best to you and, I mean, who isn't going to get interested in such a good player? You're incredible at playing it, I'm not surprised they chose you to do it, you deserve even more, babe." He kisses the corner of my mouth softly. - He's so cute-

"And you're going to be there." I smile. "It's the best part, somehow makes me more comfortable. You're going to watch me playing and we'll even hang out a bit later. I can't wait."

"It doesn't matter if you get any point wrong or not, I'll continue appreciating and it's always amazing. You play the piano 12 hours a day and the other 12 too." I chuckle at Frank's comment and shake my head. "Whatever you play there will be amazing." He pulls me closer in a hug again and pecks my lips.

"You've got some serious perception problems there, sir." I chuckle. "But y'know what? Even if I don't play good usually, I'm gonna make it be good. Gonna make it be perfect."

"I never understand this self-doubt..." Frank rolls his eyes. I breathe a small chuckle, burying my face on his shoulder. I inhale, hugging him. "You're always amazing, stop being like this, ew."

"Okay..." I mutter in a defeated tone. I pull away with a sigh, "So... I've got to return home now. Y'know, a lot of work to do..." I trail off. "So, don't forget about the event."

"How will I?" Frank asks. "I can't wait to see my love playing." He kisses my cheek again and I smile, loving his demonstrations of affection.



"I bought a few new clothes and I took pics..." I say grabbing my phone and opening the gallery app. After scrolling through some of the uncountable pictures of Frank and I, I finally find the pictures I took of myself. "What do you think? Which one do you prefer?" I hand Frank the phone. He grabs it and analyzes each picture carefully before speaking up.

"I like the second option." He says. "Not mentioning that it was me who got you the shirt," He smirks and I roll my eyes with a small smile. "it's the one who suits the best since the others are either too formal or too simple."

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