*And shit | F.I. x Reader | (1/2)

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I'm always worried about hitting the "Publish" button instead of the "Save" one, it happened once and I don't know what the fuck did I do, but I unpublished the whole book and had to publish it again chapter by chapter


[3rd person p.o.v.]

"So, detention again?" Ray asks with a playful grin, watching Frank walking out of the principal's room with a scowl. It was clear the latter's intention wasn't to give his friends any attention, judging by the way he started stomping down the hall without even shooting them a glance, but they are used to his tantrums.

"Even detention would be better." Frank rolls his eyes exaggeratedly, having an extremely stressed tone on.

"What's it?" Furrowing his eyebrows, Gerard asks - what else would the principal use as punishment? "Suspension?" His eyes widens, feeling some kind of desperation at the thought. If Frank received suspension because he discussed with a teacher another time, what will happen if Gerard put fire in the lab in purpose again?

"Suspension would also be good, but no!" Thinking about it ends up making Frank even angrier, something evident because of the way he throws his hands in the air and groans. "There's some new kid arriving tomorrow and the old hag wants me," He raises his hands to his chest while his voice tone gets higher. "to show them around!"

"Who knows if it's some new hot girl, huh." Ray teases as elbowing his friend. If glares could do something physical, Ray would've dropped dead just there, but all it does is to snatch some snickers from the curly haired and Gerard.

"At least you won't need to do any extra activity or sit in silence in a classroom and die out of boredom." Gerard shrugs. He looks at the nothing, thinking about it - of course he'd be awkward at the first moment since dealing with people isn't one of his best points, still, he surely prefers to take some minutes in showing someone around the school rather than doing nothing for an hour. "It'll be good."

"Because it's not with you!" Frank throws his arms in the air and starts walking faster, heading to his locker. Knowing he's just stressed due to the earlier events - because the teacher, on the other hand, was being completely unfair to him -, the remaining two boys just stop walking, watching their friend disappearing after walking in another hall. They know he will end up liking this.

The whole thing doesn't consist in simply showing the new kid around and telling them only the main thing. It is showing them around the whole school, being kind, answering every question they have and explaining everything, not to mention there's no way to escape from this since the principal will know if he does it properly or not, naturally. He knows Frank has no patience for doing all of that - there's exactly the challenge.


[Reader's p.o.v.]

It was weird to be received by the principal as soon as I arrived in the school, but things started explaining themselves when he introduced myself to a sulky punk guy - Frank -, saying he'd show me around, then walked away.

Frank looks at me with an uninterested indifferent look, almost disdaining. My hopes of him starting the subject die as soon as he looks away.

"So..." I breathe out, awkwardly. "I'm (y/n)."

"He just said that." He says in a dry, harsh tone. I just notice what I've said and press a palm to my forehead, shaking my head to myself, blushing. "So, if you have any question while we walk around, just ask and I'll answer, 'kay?" He has a bored tone on as forcing a smile. I wonder why is he acting like this. He probably isn't doing this at his own will.

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