✘"Tight grip around your hips | F.I. x Reader

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For today, I got to help this band around. And this completely wasn't me saying 'this band' as if I didn't have My Chemical Romance songs in my playlist or something of sort, but as Mrs. Gruna will always tell each one of her employees, we need to keep it professional.

A sigh escapes my lips as I check myself in the mirror, evening out the smudged eyeshadow under my eye and adjusting the name tag around my neck. I squeeze past the others on my way out of the staff room, hoping the band won't have arrived first – some of them do tell us they're going to be here at a certain time, arrive half an hour earlier or later and get mad at the rushed reception or even lack of it.

This time, however, things happen differently. The bus is just stopping in the parking lot at the moment I'm stepping out of the building, followed by one of my co-workers.

My Chemical Romance is far from being the first famous band I deal with, but that doesn't stop this nervousness from bubbling in my stomach like it always does in situations like this. The worry and fuss around the venue's management is always the same.

"Hello!" The guy who leaves the bus first greets, probably the band's manager – I only smile in response and let my co-worker step ahead.

"Hey, good afternoon," someone else catches my attention and I turn to see Gerard standing there with a side smile and with Mikey and Ray behind him whilst Frank's still approaching. "I hope we aren't late!"

"No!" I shake my head, checking my phone. "Don't worry, you're actually just in time! And welcome to the Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall! I'm (y/n) and I'm responsible for showing you guys around so you know exactly what the place is like!" Sounding as excited as I really am without letting any of the awkwardness or nervousness slip through is harder than I expected, but manageable. Let's fucking go.

The four follow me into the building and a silence settles between us, lasting all the way to the hall.

"Here," I tell them, "bathrooms and there are the dressing rooms. Eight of them." I point to the two doors in front of us and then down the hall, slowly walking down it. "The second to last door is the kitchen, followed by the lounge. All of the rooms are very wide, as you can see." I open one of them and let them take a look inside – Gerard, Ray and Mikey only throw glances while Frank seems to inspect every single detail. Something wrong? Doesn't he like the place? At least I hope he isn't annoying about something or too demanding.

After a walk through the main part of the venue and learning more about the main parts, the guys decide to stay around to at least hang out with us in the lounge taking in consideration they need to leave so soon and this is honestly the best thing because it means more time off for me.

"Six years, huh?" I hear someone suddenly interrupt the ongoing talk, having just walked into the room.

"Well, yeah," Mikey chuckles, scratching the back of the head and the others have similar reactions – he shares looks with Gerard and Ray, who also sit on the couch with him and smile rather shyly despite the pride lying underneath.

All of them continue to talk, but well, everyone aside from Frank. I furrow my eyebrows, wondering if I missed something.

"Hello," a voice says out of nowhere and next to me.

"Fuck!" I place a hand over my chest, glaring at Frank. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" And to my comfort, he only shrugs, continuing to sip on his coffee.

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