I didn't ask you in real life, did I? | F.I. x Reader

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Help with the plot by Kooppyy 

Not a request, but it's mainly because I was revolted since, in every story the reader is in the band, they're a drummer.


"You've really got detention?" Gerard furrows his eyebrows. He doesn't say it, but he's probably hoping it's just another of my pranks. I slowly nod and can see it clearly when the reality sinks in for him.

"Did you really need to draw a dick on the board, (n/n)?" Frank asks in a scolding tone with a playful hint, scowling at me - I internally aw, finding it cute. I scoff in response.

"That's the kind of thing you do." I poke his cheek, holding back a grin at the fake hurt look he shoots me. "I simply got in a debate with the teacher." I force a smile.

"By debate, you mean another argument, right?" Ray shoots me a knowing look and I slowly nod in response, looking down.

"But, c'mon, what do they mean by me not being able to sleep during the parts I've already understood?" I raise my eyebrows, looking at the five questioningly. "I can answer whatever question about the subject they make me!" I sigh, noticing Gerard and Mikey have worried plus wondering faces on while Bob and Frank watch me, Ray eyes me with a suspicious look - he's got all the right to, tho.

"We won't be able to present in the contest, then." Gerard comments as rubbing his chin, staring at the nothing thoughtful.

"No way!" Bob complains, his eyes widening as he looks at each of us as if expecting everyone to react similarly. "We practiced so much for this to not participate at all?" He furrows his eyebrows in desperation.

I mutter a quiet apologize, but it's mostly ignored - the only one who seems to notice it is, Frank who rubs my arm. 

"I know!" Gerard answers Bob. His voice stressed; he slams his fists against his thighs lightly. "We need to go."

"But how?" Mikey exhales in desperation, furrowing his eyebrows.

The stress seems to create a tangible atmosphere around us where all the thoughts swim through. A silence is present between us, just the sound of the other students talking in the distance is heard. - The six of us sit in the bleachers; me, Gerard and Mikey in the first row; Frank and Ray in the lower one, Frank sitting my my legs and folding his arms over my thighs, his chin over his arms and Ray is by the brothers; Bob is even lower, in the space between Ray's and Frank's legs.

"I've got an idea!" Frank exclaims and, by his face, I can already notice it's not a 'good' one - not like the situation permits one like this, though. Everyone looks at him, asking him to tell more about it without words. "I won't tell, but there's a way!" He laughs devilishly, "You'll see when I do it." His lips curl into a lazy smirk. "I just tell you to be prepared to run after class."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "How will I know when to leave?"

"It'll be obvious." He says in a tone that makes none of us want to question him further, only silently wonder what may happen later today.


Yawning, I stare at the teacher in boredom as she sits on her desk probably grading some tests. In the room, there are other two guys who seem to be annoyed by being here, but to also have a completely fair cause for their presence and a girl that looks nerd and is noticeably guilty and worried - must be her first detention; I think to myself.

I impatiently tap my finger on the table, creating a rhythmic sound that annoys the two guys. They shoot me glares a time or another - obviously, I ignore them. In a complete opposite to the quiet room, my mind is loudly filled with thoughts: assumptions, theories and worries.

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