Grease | F.I. x Reader | AU!

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This is based on Grease, but I actually don't remember what it went like, exactly, and I just feel gender envy towards Danny Zuko


"You're cute, you know that?" I grin as leaning in, having fun in watching how Frank's cheeks immediately grow red, but he doesn't pull away, only bringing a hand to support himself as leaning back against the sand.

"Fuck off, I'm very much punk rock and not cute," he replies, looking at me from under his eyelashes in a way that has my heart fluttering. "Whatever, you should at least be thankful that I'm nice to you!" He raises his eyebrows smugly and doesn't even give me the chance to express my indignation before pressing his lips to mine.

I don't complain. Deepening the kiss, I play with Frank's lip ring with my teeth, teasing it enough to receive a pleased hum from him before a hand is placed against the back of my neck, pulling me closer while his tongue glides over my lower lip.

We are eventually forced to stop in order to breathe, though none of us open our eyes. The gentle touch of our eyelashes brushing together, lips still barely touching, and feeling each other's breathing heavy due to a mutual urgency brings this warmth to my chest that's quickly pulled down by melancholy in the moment I remember how the summer is going by fast. It's inevitable letting it show as I pull away and cup Frank's face, watching him leaning into the touch softly, eyes fluttering shut. He brings a hand to hold mine.

Frank looks beautiful under the sunset, even more with the breeze coming from the sea sending some of his strands of hair flying. I hate being in love.

"So, Belleville, it is?" I question, wrapping my free hand around his hip and tracing lightly the visible parts of his tattoos that poke from under the waistband of his black swimming shorts. He seems to like it.

"New York, it is?" The question comes back in the same tone along with a raised eyebrow.

I grunt in response, sighing defeated. For a moment, I only observe him bring our hands down to his lap and intertwine our fingers together. "I mean, that could work, right? Just a few hours of distance."

"Dunno." Frank's eyebrows furrow a bit, eyes falling to our hands. "The problem isn't us, specifically, it's just that... Damn, it hurts to be away from each other and shit. Calls, texts – all of this just isn't the same." He pauses, giving my hand a light squeeze. "I am sorry."

"It's okay," I whisper, leaning in to press a kiss to his neck and resting my head on his shoulder.


Smoke slowly melts away into the air after I blow the last drag of the cigarette I was having and throw the stump to the bleacher's seat, crushing it against the surface with the heel of my boot before pushing it towards one of the gaps.

Feeling the cold breeze of the morning against my face is actually very pleasing, even if I'm not a fan of the school myself. There's something calming about being here, maybe due to the familiarity, but even hearing the incoherent talk and cheers coming from the students running across the field gives me this feeling. Here you can see how the summer break really did do good to me because I would never be saying something like this under normal conditions.

"Ay, (y/n)!" My name being called makes me turn around and I can't help but to crack a grin in the moment I see Gerard climbing up the bleachers' seats, Ray right behind him.

"My man!" I pull Gerard for a quick hug and greet Ray with a high-five, smiling at the two. "So? How was your break? I see you did make a change again," I say in appreciation, nodding towards the yet again dyed black hair, which's longer than when I last saw him.

Frank Iero x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now