The flowers in your lungs | Hanahaki AU! | (2/2)

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The questions didn't stop even when I got in class. They just ceased when the teacher got sick of it and made everyone shut up, threatening that the next to say a word about it will be sent to the principal.

Every time when someone in school will get the surgery, no matter who, everyone starts wanting to know more about it.

The questions are always the same; if it hurts, how are they feeling about this.

A really small minority has a last bit of consciousness in their heads and leave the suffering ones alone. They understand all the pressure is difficult. The surgery is oftenly the last thing we call to, so we must be in a really bad situation after doing the decision.

That's what happened with me.

My head is filled with nothing much more than sadness, worry. Maybe some anger and relief and of course, fear.

I don't know what will happen. Each organism reacts in a different way in the recuperation. Who knows if I'll take long to recover? I'll just know after it.

I sigh running a hand through my hair, looking at the teacher who writes on the board.

Just looking because I can't focus on anything.

Everything is so... not confusing, but a lot is happening. Against - but not totally - my will.

I know I won't have feelings for him anymore but... what if this agonizing missing feeling stays forever?

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts and everyone else's.

The teacher leaves the chalk on her table and walks to open the door.

"Oh, Frank?" She says and now knowing who it is, I avoid looking to the door.

"Uh, can I talk with (y/n)?"


"No, I- there's something I really need to tell them. I won't stress them." He says and the teacher sighs.

"Mx. (l/n)?" She calls and I press my lips together, standing up and walking towards the door.

I exit the classroom and close the door behind me. The hall is empty, just the both of us there.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His voice cuts off the silence.

Preferring to be silent rather than lying, I just stare at him. What will I say? 'Oh, because you're the love of my life.' or 'Because you're the reason of it.'?

Kill me.

"Please! I thought you trusted me. I thought I was that important." He says furrowing his eyebrows.

"And you are." I say. My voice still hoarse due to not speaking much today. "That's why I didn't tell you."

"B-but why?" His eyes glassy, "It doesn't make sense. You avoid telling me something because I'm important..."

"It makes sense, Frank, it makes." I sigh - as far as possible -, "I hope you understand."

I turn to get back in the classroom when he pulls me back and hugs me close to him, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't notice. How could I not notice? I was an idiot. You were there, going through everything and I couldn't even notice." He says more to himself than to me.

No reaction comes from me. I simply put my arms around him, rubbing his back.

I try my best to not sob, or else the pain will worsen. However, the tears fall down my cheeks nonstop.

Frank Iero x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now