*Frankly, | Teacher! F.I. x Student! Reader | (2/2)

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Here I am again

Request by Softweekes

Help by my sweet baby Im_CrazyKate 👌👌


"Not bad." I mutter to myself, looking at my own image at the mirror as I adjust my clothes. - I've gotten a job as a bartender for a party; it's kinda a favor to a friend of mine, but he insists in paying me. Currently, my mother is out for drinks with her friends and, if I know her well, she won't be returning early or at all this night. Good thing, or else she'd freak out and not let me go out this late or to a party to be a bartender, even. - I chuckle to myself imagining the situation.

I take a last glance at myself, fixing my hair, before grabbing my things and exiting my house. Thankfully, my friend's house isn't that far - about a block away -, so I don't need to go by car or something.

"Hey." I greet as I walk in the big house - practically a mansion; rich bitch, I think to myself -, seeing there's barely anyone yet as we climb the stairs to the second floor. There's a room that's specifically designed for throwing parties, even having a bar there.

"Hey, so everything you need is here, okay? Just call me if something is wrong." He says with a smile, nodding towards the bar area. I nod understandingly and he walks away, probably to receive more people or something.

It doesn't take long until the place's looking like a night club in a Sunday night - I mean, it is Sunday night. Just the flicking colorful lights illuminate the dark room, somewhat matching the electronic music's rhythm the people dance to.

Staying behind the counter is thankfully a protection from all the people who jump around, grinding against themselves as 'dancing'. My attention, however, is focused in preparing a drink whenever someone approaches and asks one. Barely anyone sits near the counter and I managed to cut off at least three people who wanted to start a conversation. Considering just a few people come to the bar, it gives me a lot of time doing nothing, what consequently leaves me bored. In an attempt to change it, I decide to try a few drinks myself. I don't really know how many I drank, but I'm already some more than tipsy after some time.

It remains like this until a specific person comes to the counter, looking a bit drunk themselves - probably from drinking the beers that anyone can get from the fridge. I mean, you just get the 'fancy' drinks in the bar.

"Hey, I'd like, uh, some margarita." He orders and I nod, moving to prepare the drink. He watches me as I stand in front of him, mixing the liquids. Not paying attention, I keep focused on what I'm doing. "(Y/n)?" He says out of sudden and I look down at him confused; not being able to identify who's it at first. "Frankly you don't recognize me?" He slurs, giggling in the end.

"Oh, Mr. Iero, you here!" I say through a somewhat high pitched tone, giggling too. I take a step back for support as I see the room spinning for a moment. "What are you doing here?" I pour the drink inside the glass and hand it to him.

"That's what I ask you." He says taking the glass in hands. "You're not even old enough. Who let you in here?" His voice is curious and confused; through small glimpses when the lights hit his face, I'm able to see his confused expression.

"Don't tell Mikey, but I wasn't supposed to drink, just to serve it. Still, he was idiot to think it'd be okay to let someone my age near a lot of drinks." I grin, leaning against the counter a bit.

Frank shakes his head lightly and sips on his drink. "Shit, that's good." He says moving his eyes between the glass and I. "You prepare drinks well." He takes a long sip of it and I chuckle proudly.

Frank Iero x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now