And say goodbye | F.I. x Reader | (2/3)

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requested by yebroimemo
Your requests are amazing, Joe playing Vivaldi is probably the best of this

will need 3rd part sry


Hello, pls help this poor soul here by recommending other MCR fanfics - I guess I've read most of it already


"(Y/n)," Patrick says, continuing to drag me by my wrist towards a room - Ray stands in front of the door, holding onto the handle and seeming to pull on it, like if avoiding it from being open. Everything just makes me more and more confused. "You'll understand this is for your best," he stops walking right in front of the door and, before I'm able to make any question, I'm pushed to inside it. "We'll be back in an hour!" Patrick says, locking the room, and I can hear a bye coming from Ray before there are steps fading down the hallway.

I'm about to bang on the door, pleading for them to at least explain why am I here when Frank does it instead. "You two are so dead, I can't believe!" He shouts against the door, though I think the two are probably nowhere around anymore.

Frank continues shouting until I sigh, sitting on the bed. "They won't listen to you, Frank," I say as looking for my phone to message Pete or maybe Gerard. "No," I cry quietly; a sigh escapes my lips once I remember I left it charging in my room. Laying back on the mattress, I close my eyes as resting my hands over my stomach, my feet still hanging from the bed. If I ignore him and don't stress myself, maybe it'll be better.

"It doesn't hurt to attempt," he grumbles before repeating his actions.

"You should've thought about this when you considered coming back after me." I reply in a light tone, covered in sarcasm. "Ah, wait, I forgot you never really cared about that summer. I'm so sorry, Frankie." The comment seems to encourage some sparkle of fire inside me into burning, in a way the last words suppress certain anger. Wait, didn't I say I wouldn't stress myself over this? Ah, the hypocrisy.

"What?" He says angrily - I can sense him approaching, but still don't open my eyes. "How can you say something like this? You don't even know what happened to me!" Even not seeing him, I know Frank has his fists clenched by his sides, his shoulders tensed up as he angrily looks down at me. "Everything-"

"Do I need to?" I ask in a light tone, kinda tired.

"-you've been doing since we met again in that damn café with the guys is to avoid me and fucking be rude if we happen to talk!" Frank says angrily - I crack my eyes open to see him moving his hands around frantically as talking. His burst out was something to expect by the way he'd been clenching his jaw whenever looking at me or Pete lately.

His words, however, make me widen my eyes as sitting up on the bed. "What? Me? Are you sure I am the one acting like this? Like a fucking kid?" I look at him in disbelief, placing a hand over my chest.

"Yes, you, because you don't know my reasons!" He throws his hands in the air, looking at me like if asking for my arguments. "Look at the fucking grudge you're holding of me-"

"Frank, are you even thinking?" I interrupt him. "Are you that out of your mind? We didn't even meet at the café at first! We met at Devil's Nest and you just straight dropped a lot of shit, you offended me, Frank!" His face goes from confused to realizing with what I say; I complete, "and, yes, that's why we were mad at you in the next day! I wasn't rude with you for nothing, Frank!"

"Oh, so it's about getting your own back?" He crosses his arms over his chest, mocking amuse and certain disdain in his gaze. "That's very mature of you too, (y/n), congratulations." Frank rolls his eyes exaggeratedly.

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