*Save me | F.G. x Reader | (2/2)

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Requested by Nobody7796


[3rd person pov]

Ghoul's despair couldn't be put into words, resulting in a few gasps and stutters leaving his lips as he protectively stood in front of (k/n)'s body. He couldn't see properly through glassy eyes as looking at the Witch, shaking like a leaf since, as far as he knew, she could change her mind in any moment and take him with her as well. It wasn't exactly a bad idea if he got to be with (k/n).

"Kid, please-"

"Oh, my Destroya, please don't take him, Mrs. Witch," Ghoul ranted cryingly, looking at her while tears trailed down his face nonstop. "Please- You can't! I didn't even tell him I love him!" He started crying and buried his face in his hands, starting to sob, defeated. Ghoul was ashamed, believing he couldn't look more pathetic as crying his eyes out in front of such an important entity.

The silence coming from the Witch felt like a knife slowly piercing Ghoul's skin, agonizingly and feeling like it would last forever. Eventually, she sighed.

"Why did you take so long?" Her voice was soft, but held authority at the same time. "You know how the desert can be, kid. Life is just a moment. You never know what is going to happen."

It took Ghoul a long moment to muffle all the sobs and catch his breath to be able to speak. His hands covered his mouth as he looked at the Witch, hot and stingy tears still escaping his eyes. He was crying so much and would be certainly sobbing in (k/n)'s arms if the male was there. "I- I love him a lot. I don't want to scare (k/n) away, b-because-" The next words were barely comprehensible, Ghoul's voice being tight in his chest and his strangled words were almost incoherent, but the Witch could understand all of that. She knew all of that.

The Witch let out an understanding sound, making hope sparkle in Ghoul's eyes. "Are- Are you going to do it? To give him back to me? P-Please-" He couldn't hold back the cries, too desperate about losing the one he had been inseparable from for the past years of his life.

"Calm down, kid..."


The fact he was in movement and the low, continuous sound of the engine of the car were the first things Ghoul became aware to once coming back to consciousness, groaning softly as he brought his hands up to rub his eyes. Slowly blinking, he looked down to see (k/n)'s jacket thrown over him and grumbled something. His eyes went wide as soon as he remembered about everything that had happened and looked at (k/n) with a gasp, immediately moving to hug him. "(K/n), you're fine!"

[(K/n)'s p.o.v.]

A chuckle escapes my lips with Ghoul suddenly pulling me to a hug and I raise an eyebrow. "Ghoul, I'm driving," I say softly, freeing a hand to give his a squeeze. "And yes, I am."

"Ah, yeah, sorry," he breathes as pulling away, though wide eyes observe me like if he had just seen something so impressive that he can't comprehend, and I can't understand anything either. "It's just..." He mutters, but his sentence never comes to an end, so I just shoot Ghoul a small smile before turning back to the road.

I feel like Ghoul kinda lost touch with reality after waking up, with the way he's startled by everything, kinda clumsy, and keeps clutching onto my jacket, so I tell him to come sleep with me in my room tonight. He probably had a nightmare.

All the lights of the diner are turned off when we arrive to it, suggesting the others already went to sleep, so we try to remain as quiet as possible when making our way to my room.

Ghoul looks at me with this anxiety when I close the door behind me and I can't help but to grow more curious. I sigh. "What's wrong?" I step towards him, carefully pulling him to a hug. "Why are you like this? Did that attack bother you this much? I guess the Drac hit you too hard," I breathe as pressing a kiss to his head.

"I... No..." He mutters, but I don't understand the meaning of any of his words as he just clutches onto me instead and I get my jacket off him, throwing it to a random corner as pulling him along with me to the bed.

"It's okay, it's okay," I tell him, cupping his face.

"It's not that." Ghoul averts his eyes away from mine and, apparently, does his best to not cry. "It's just... I love you, (k/n), so much. And it's not in a friendship sense, damn! You don't know how much I've been suffering lately, wanting to kiss these fucking lips of yours while you hold me and hold hands with you and..." He trails off with a desperate sound before his eyes meet mine and the heavy feeling they carry make me feel bad for him. "I love you, (k/n), I love you. Don't leave me, don't let me go, please don't," he cries softly.

"Ghoul..." This warmth fills my chest and I don't even think properly, pressing my lips to Ghoul's as pulling him closer in a poor attempt of making it up for all the lost time – because, fuck, I've been loving this boy for so long now – and at least ending part of his suffering. His hands cling to me with this strong need, like if I would disappear if he let go. "I love you too, okay?" I say against his lips before locking them in a kiss once again.

"I love you; I love you; I love you," Ghoul repeats like if it was a mantra after pulling away again, burying his face in the crook of my neck. It takes me a hot moment and a bit of struggle to get rid of our shoes so we can lie back down on my bed – he doesn't let go for a second, snuggling up to me with his arms and legs tightly wrapped around me.

"And I love you," I reassure him. I still have no clue about what specifically got Ghoul in such a state, but it isn't something exactly uncommon to happen considering how sensible he tends to be due to such intense anxiety he goes through and towards specific subjects. It hasn't been the first occasion in which I need to comfort a desperate Ghoul and cuddle him until he feels better. "I love you a lot. You're so precious and so amazing. The best person I could've wanted to be my boyfriend."

"You'd like to me to be your boyfriend?" His voice carries so much disbelief and happiness at the same time that I can't help but to melt a bit as hugging him tighter.

"Of course, love," I reply quietly, bringing a hand up to play with his hair.

"...I'd also like you to be mine." And, even without seeing his face, I know Ghoul is blushing. "My boyfriend. Mine. Only mine."

"Only yours," I repeat with a smile. I shift a bit until able to face Ghoul and cup his face before kissing him once again. He isn't as hesitant this time, though shyly kissing back as clutching onto the back of my shirt – after some point, he deepens the kiss, humming quietly against my lips.

"Never leave me, okay?" Ghoul pulls away and looks at me in the eyes, deadly serious. "Please don't. I wouldn't be able to live without you."

I hold back a chuckle – not from finding the situation funny, but I just don't know how to deal with all of it. "Of course not, Ghoul, I would never." I brush my nose against his affectionately. "I also wouldn't be able to live without you."

Only a quiet groan comes in response from Ghoul as he looks at me and we just spend a long moment gazing at each other like that, lovingly and without anything bothering us.

"Can you hold me before I fall asleep?" He asks shyly, moving to adjust his position.

"Yeah, of course, even after you fall asleep." I wrap my arms around him once he's on his side and press his back close to my chest, spooning Ghoul. "I love you," I tell him again, nuzzling softly the back of his neck and pressing a kiss to it.

"And I love you," he whispers back, clumsily reaching to turn off the lights. His hands find mine and hold onto them tightly and I can feel the exact moment in which Ghoul falls asleep, relaxing in my arms despite how firmly he continues holding onto me.


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