*Frankly, | Teacher! F.I. x Reader | (1/2)

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Hello, my children

this was requested by softweekes

Credits to Im_CrazyKate for the ideas szszsz


"-and she seemed really nice, but was as dumb as a door. Y'know, I thought she'd be different-"

"Yeah, yeah."

"-and turns out she is like everyone described. Annoying and-"

"I want to pay attention to the class." I say calmly, without moving my eyes away from the board and wanting (B/n) to stop talking so I can actually listen to what Mr. Iero is explaining about trigonometric identities. I tap my fingers rhythmically against the table; a small gesture acting like an ajar valve to my stress. - I mean, I'm trying to get some education. Or maybe just stare at out hot teacher in peace.

(B/n) stares at me for a moment, his expression not changing. It kind of annoys me a bit he can't notice what's going on. "But, man, it was really disappointing. She was-"

I sigh, ignoring him as he continues talking about some girl he managed to take out last week, and reach inside my bag. His eyes widen and he stops talking immediately when seeing my Nerf pointed to him. "I told you to shut up."

"The fuck?" (B/n) says rather loud, attracting some attention to us. I'd say it's unwanted if it made any difference.

"What's happening back there?" Mr. Iero sounds annoyed at the interruption of his class, echoing through the silent class. "(L/n)?"

"(B/n) won't shut up about his last date while I want to pay attention to the class." I say furrowing my eyebrows and shooting the said guy a look - he seems nervous and I don't blame him; not like Iero takes it easy on giving detentions.

The teacher snorts, "Shut up and pay attention to the class, (b/l/n). You can talk about how you lost your virginity all you want after class." He says taking a look at the textbook he has in hands before turning back to the board and explaining the subject while writing on it. His saying makes the students giggle; (b/n)'s face reddens in order of that.

(B/n) stares at me for a moment; a confused, embarrassed and maybe angry expression covers his face as he does so. I simply tilt my head lightly as I shrug, then return the Nerf to my bag before turning my attention to the board; finally able to watch the class peacefully. Iero turns around for a moment, locking eyes with me. In response, I offer a small smile and he raises his eyebrows lightly before going on with the class.

"How weren't you expelled yet?" (B/n) mutters quietly, referring to all my pranks and other acts that would make me be kicked out of this school already in a normal situation.

"Maybe the school likes me." I reply, smirking lightly.

The class goes by nicely - no one bothered me and I could feel (b/n)'s intense gaze on the side of my face, but that's the last thing I care about. Thank God it's the last period, because I don't think I'd be able to take in any information anymore.

I let out a breathe in relief when the bell rings, letting go of my pencil as I lean back on the chair. I run a hand through my hair before starting to gather all my things and place it inside my bag - I take my time to do so and when I'm done, about less than half of the class is inside the room yet.

"Have a good day, sir." I say giving Mr. Iero a two fingers salute as passing by his desk. He rolls his eyes slightly before wishing me the same; it makes me let out a chuckle as heading out of the room and then, of the school.

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