✘Needy touches | F.I. x Reader x G.W.

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only thing not gender neutral about this is how reader is called mommy by the two

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The door to the office opens, easily making me look up from my phone to see Frank standing there. His large, worn out Misfits shirt only exposes the ends of his red boxers that clutch around his thighs, letting some part of his skin visible until it disappears under the black knee-high socks. I raise an eyebrow, watching him shift, looking away at the same time his hand starts fumbling with the lace of his thigh garters.

"Come here." I put my phone on the desk, patting my lap, and it doesn't take Frank much to quickly come over and sit down, straddling my lap as he presses his face to my neck, letting his arms wrap around my torso. A small noise escapes his throat almost inaudibly with how I press a kiss to his neck, adjusting his position on my lap to hold him close without being squeezed on the armchair. "What do you want, hm? Are you needy, pup?" My lips graze over the side of his neck, trailing up and down the skin as it rises with a shiver.

"I— Yeah," he breathes almost inaudibly while shifting his hips against mine. "Can you please do something, mommy? Please." He swallows, burying his face in the back of my neck with a whimper, and starts moving his hips, rubbing his already hard cock against my thigh, almost reaching my hip.

"What got you all excited, hm?" I press a kiss to Frank's shoulder. My hands wrap around his hips firmly to help him with his movements while I adjust my thigh, pulling it up a little. "Were you around imagining stuff or did you wake up from a nap like this?" I nibble down on the base of his neck, sometimes peppering kisses over it—he whines softly.

"Was napping, had a nice dream." Frank drags his hips against my thigh slowly, in a way his thighs twitch before he repeats the motion, moaning wantonly into my neck. He closes his hands around the fabric of my shirt, letting his nails scratch my back through it.

"And what was it about?" I shift my thigh again to help him, which snatches louder moans from him. "Tell me, baby."

"Y-You were touching me really good, mommy," he moans, gasping as he arches his back. "Fucking... Fucking me in front of Gee, making me ride you..." his words fade into a soft cry with how he squirms against my thigh, taking pause and breathing heavily. "Mommy, please touch me, I need it so bad!" He squirms, holding me so tightly it almost aches.

"Shh, let mommy take care of you." I press my hand to his lower back as I bring the other to his front, squeezing him through his boxers before starting to palm him properly. "Stay still." My lips meet his neck in a soft kiss whilst my hand slips inside his boxers, pumping him tightly and slowly. "I wonder what made you have these thoughts. Is it related to the stuff you keep seeing when you're on your phone, Frank?" The way he flinches makes me grin, speeding up my movements. "Because you do a very poor job in hiding it, all the dirty stuff you keep watching. Sometime ago I was wondering why you wanted to try so much new stuff and where you got those ideas from... It wasn't difficult to find out."

A loud whine escapes Frank's at the same time his hips push into my hand, mumbling incoherently against my neck, dampening the skin even more with the spit that helplessly escapes his lips with it.

"C'mon, Frankie, baby, look at me and use your words." I flick my wrist, circling his tip until he lets out a crying moan, but builds enough strength to pull back, compelling my hand to fall to his thigh now. He exhales shakily as his eyes meet mine, his mouth shaping perfectly around a moan, and his eyes press shut.

"'M sorry, mommy," Frank groans, breath hitching once my movements grow faster. "'M just curious, I like... uh, watching stuff, and—" A moan cuts him off and he needs a moment to recompose himself, tugging at my shirt while a string of moans escape his lips. "Th-Thanks for listening to m-me." He almost hides his face again, but I hold onto his jaw, receiving a weak protesting noise that just lasts until I press my lips to his in a messy, open mouthed kiss that Frank melts into, tugging on my shirt to pull me closer, so I deepen the kiss as he wants.

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