;Wings | F.I. x Reader | Wings AU! | (2/2)

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"Ugh... where am I?" I ask to no one in particular as I slowly sit up. I'm... on a bed? When did I return to- Wait, it's not mine.

"You finally woke up." A voice says and I turn to see a woman in a fancy dark blue suit, with the government's symbol on it. Exactly in this moment, I remember what happened before I woke up here.

"Hey, I remember you, you're that woman!" I say standing up. "Where's-"

"First, calm down." She says. I give her a look but remain quiet. "It is danger. It's been a long time since something like this has happened and you weren't supposed to have found out about this."

"It?! He's a human like any other-"

"He has wings."


"When was the last time humans had wings?"

I open my mouth to give an answer but I realize that I don't have one. "B-but we had. I mean, look at the stumps."

"And no one can remember when they disappeared or even remembers they ever existed." She explains.

"But they did."

"They did. And they've been gone for over 500 years." She says. "Come on." The woman motions for me to follow her and I hesitantly do so. "I believe you've already heard many theories about the storms. There are indeed interesting ones and others ridiculously impossible." She says as we walk down a hall and I turn to her.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask confused, a few steps behind her.

"Because- I'm sure you won't tell anyone..." She speaks up again before I have the chance to question, "They do have something special. Over the years, we found out they transport people from one time to another. Always from the past to the future. For example," She says as we get in a hall with glasses that show rooms- no, cells. There's a chained man with light green wings inside it. "this man is from the year 1,430. He was found after a storm seven years ago. There are many others like him."

She keeps her look forward as we pass in front of several cells, however, I'm not able to do the same and would stand there watching the winged humans if my legs weren't walking by themselves and making me continue to follow the woman.

"Why do you keep them here...?" I ask quietly.

"Oh, dear, they're good for many things." She says in a cheerful tone, "You probably don't know, but our immune system was stronger when we had wings. They're a huge help for many diseases. Their resistance his great, they'd make a great army." There's a pause. "Anyways, they usually show up like your friend, without any memory. Thankfully, we could find a way to help them recover it."

"Okay... but I still don't understand why you took Frank away and said he's dangerous."

"The cut on your forehead speaks for itself." The woman says and I raise a hand to my forehead, surprising myself when I feel bandages there. "Well, it happens that, according to what we know, the wings' colors usually are from a light yellow to dark blue, never different. But him," The woman stops and looks back at me, making eye contact, "he has black wings and we've never seen something similar. We need to make tests on him and see why is he different."

"Huh, they're just colors, aren't they?" I throw my hands in the air. "His just happened to be black."

"Wrong, dear." She smiles - if that can be called a smile. "The colors are defined according to the kind of life each person takes. And he is one of the worst kind."

It hits me like a bucket of cold water. - It can't be. It just can't. Frank seemed so sweet, he isn't bad, there needs to be something behind it.

"This isn't a reason to keep him here! To keep any of them here!" I shout without noticing.

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