Cute | Pastel! F.I. x Punk! Reader | (1/3)

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I'm organizing a few CDs when I hear another customer walking in. Turning to see, there's a short male in pastel tone clothes, looking through some of the CDs on the shelves by the front door.

"Hello. Can I help you?" I say approaching him.

He turns to face me, already with a CD in hands. "U-um, I already got this." His voice is soft and low. "I'm just looking through some others..." He looks at the floor.

"Okay." I smile, "Just call me if you need something." I head back to behind the counter.

Even tho I grab some CDs to start separating them by genre, I can't stop watching him.

He's beautiful, cute. Breathing a small chuckle to myself, I turn my attention back to the CDs.

"U-um." I hear and raise my head to see him now standing in front of me. "Just this. Plus a Skittles, please." He places the CD on top of the counter.

Nodding, I get what he asked for and place over the counter next to the CD. I stare at them and do the math in my mind.

"Seven dollars and forty five cents..." I trail off looking at the Queen CD he chose. "I have the original of this one in the stock. Like, the studio record, not live like this one."

"Really?" He widens his eyes. I smile seeing how excited he got.

"Mhm, want me to get it for you?"

"Oh, i-it's more expensive, isn't it?" He scratches the side of his neck. "Sorry, I... I don't have enough-"

"Just pay for the Skittles, take the CD as a gift." I say walking to the back of the store and grabbing the CD, quickly returning. "Two dollars and forty-five cents."

His eyes widen again, even shining. I see he is happy and excited, but what he says contradicts.

"No! You don't have to!" He says in a slightly higher tone but it's still soft. "Please, I'll just buy the CD then."

"No, don't mind." I smile, "Please accept. I really want to give it to you."

His cheeks go red and he looks down at the CD in my hands. He scratches his arm, "But..."

"Please." I insist with a kind voice.

"O-okay." He says with a smile and mine widens even more seeing him happy. I start putting his items inside a small fabric bag with my store's logo.

The male starts to take everything from his pockets and place it on the counter.

There's his phone, a few papers - ones he places back inside his pockets - and a lot, a lot of coins.

It's cute how he counts it, muttering to himself the math he does as he separates them coin by coin, dragging them apart of the main pile with his index finger.

"Here." He says pushing the coins towards me, "Sorry, they're all coins. I had been saving them up for a good time."

"Oh, no problem, dear!" I say taking the coins and putting them inside the cash register. "Coins are good, make the changes easier."

"Thank you so much!" He says cheerfully, a cute toothy smile on his face.

"No problem! Return later!" I say and he nods.

"Of course, thanks again!" He says looking at the CD inside the bag and exiting the store.

I grab the CD he chose at first and return it to its place, then set the ones I was separating to their right places.

Checking my phone, I see it's almost 6pm and need to start organizing everything to close the store.

I return to the counter and begin to clean it. While doing it, I notice something that's obviously not mine.

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