;Gerard doesn't know | F.I. x Reader

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Requested by BitchyUnicorn46


"I have to go, c'mon," I say with a soft groan, cut off by Frank's lips being repeatedly pressed against mine, what makes it even more difficult for me to go - not just physically - and Frank fucking knows that. "It's getting too late..."

"Make up some new excuse, then," Frank whines as clutching onto me, kissing me again before I can reply, making me hum in complaint despite returning the kiss. His hands are clutching onto my clothes, with some desperation he seems to always hold whenever touching me, like if he'll never get enough of me. It's just unclear if it's due to the limited doses of affection or if the feeling is genuine, but I avoid thinking too much about it.

The basement - his room - is already filled with a thick atmosphere resulting from us trying to enjoy one of our rare 'dates' the most, practically making out on the couch since I arrived here. The room is almost too hot, but I'm sure it would help if we actually stopped attacking each other for a moment, but our lips are pressed to each other before I can notice.

It - this - is almost a habit now. Meeting whenever we can and enjoying each other's presence to the most. The times we see each other carefully balanced between how many won't make my brothers suspicious and also fulfill our needs. Not like Gerard himself is my worry, specifically, but Mikey, especially, can read anyone extremely well. I'm not underestimating Gerard, no, I'm sure that, if he wants to, he can connect the dots and even know how all of this started. I just think he doesn't care enough. That either because he doesn't think I'm lying whenever I do to go see Frank or nothing gave him reasons to be worried about it.

"I won't be seeing your band play today if you don't let me go," I threaten Frank though I wouldn't really do it; I just really need to go. He grunts a quiet fine, but still doesn't let go, making me glare at him. He pouts. I have an idea and hold his gaze for a moment, enough to make him blush before I lean in for a sudden kiss, deepening it. Of course, it takes Frank by surprise and his grip loosens, allowing me to finally stand up. I grin victoriously, laughing at his face of disbelief.

"Y'know, you could spend the night and leave really early in the morning- Or I could do that in your place," Frank says as sulkily watching me grabbing my things to leave, having my jacket with him and hugging it.

"Only if you're able to pull on an Edward Cullen and magically teleport because you know how that house is full of night owls and everyone is extremely alert to anything that happens there," I tell him like if it was the most obvious thing in the world - what may be, depending on the perspective - and pressing a quick kiss to his lips, I take my jacket back and slip it on. I'm sure Mikey and Gerard would be out of their rooms in the same moment and appearing behind Frank before he could notice their presence. We have that kind of family thing where we can recognize each other only by the sounds of the steps and we know what does it sound like when Gerard is bumping into the furniture while walking around the house in the dark. Not to mention, they would suspect it even if I said I'd be sleeping in a friend's house.

"But, c'mon, you can't even complain today because I'll be watching you play tonight, hm?"

A sigh escapes his nose. "But no kisses. No touching."

"At least it's something." I nudge his foot lightly with mine, pressing my lips together.

Frank continues observing me for a moment like if it would magically make me stay or something. It doesn't happen, obviously. He sulkily stands up from the couch, practically glued to my side as we walk towards the door, the one that leads to the outside already.

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