My boy | Pastel! F.I. x Punk! Reader

391 11 16


I need a femboy now
I had this idea while in the supermarket some days ago, it's ridiculous

*not proofread


I look at Mikey for a moment, raising an eyebrow questioningly – he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, compelling me to roll my eyes in response. "Y'know, Mikey, we should grab more of these. You know how Gerard and Ray ate all of it last time and I don't want it to happen again." Ray pouts, but I just shake my head at him.

"No, we're not encouraging their consumerism!" Mikey takes the item from my hand to put it back on the shelf. "They're learning not to do it." He glares at Ray.

"C'mon, you would've done the same!" Ray clicks his tongue, scratching the back of his neck as he follows Mikey and I down the aisle, Mikey pushing the cart. "We were fucking binge watching Jaws and Mad Max, of course we would need snacks! Not to mention, not my fault you and (y/n) decided to go out, okay? You knew very well that we had been planning on it."

"Just like we had been planning to go out for the whole week," I breathe a chuckle. "You two binge watching movies was a consequence, y'know, because we wouldn't be over."

"You're missing the point," Ray groans, making Mikey and I chuckle as he rolls his eyes.

We continue walking around as Mikey pushes the shopping cart, Ray has the list in hand and helps me take the items. We've been procrastinating to do the groceries for at least a couple of weeks already and felt forced to do it when we noticed we had barely anything left for lunch. Thankfully, it's Saturday. None of us has any college work and the supermarket is also not too empty, but not too crowded. Gerard was to come with us, but he needed to do something, whatever it was.

"Now, coffee, cappuccino, single cream," Ray reads over so Mikey and I can grab it while he takes what's closer to him.

"What do you think Gerard is up to?" I raise an eyebrow, placing the coffee bags in the cart. "I guess it had to do with college or something? Or was it a date?"

"A date, probably," Mikey replies instantly. "He put on a clean shirt."

"That is true." Ray points at Mikey and I nod, thinking for a moment. "Like, or else he found a job or something because, if I'm not wrong, he had been preparing résumés or something."

"Yeah, but do you think he'd dress up like that for a job interview? On a Saturday?" Mikey furrows his eyebrows and I'm about to reply when a faint, familiar voice catches my attention. Where is it coming from? And whose it is?

Soon, though, the pastel tones are coming into vision – I can't help but to gasp.


Ray and Mikey's talk is noticeably interrupted, but I don't really care about it at the sight of Frank looking up from the paper in his hands with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. His mouth parts lightly before he's running towards me and I wrap my arms around his waist at the same time his are thrown around my neck.

"Didn't think I'd see you here!" Frank says, voice slightly muffled by my shoulder.

"Same to you." I smile, pulling away just enough to pepper kisses all over his face; he wrinkles his nose cutely. My arm is around his waist when we turn to face Ray and Mikey, whose eyes are wide and questioning. "My boyfriend!" I explain with a proud grin. The attention has Frank pressed to my side, hand clutching onto the front of my shirt. "His name is Frank. Frank, these are Ray and Mikey. My roommates. There's also Gerard, but he's not here."

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