Sweet baby | F.I. x Reader

678 23 16


Suggested by FrankLerosLipRing

Dreads Frank is so underrated </3

Not accurate regarding the 2002 clips because I'm lazy, enjoy
Short thing, mostly experimental, more coming soon


I yawn, scratching the back of my neck as I take a look at my notes then avert my attention to Ray, watching him going over a part of Our Lady of Sorrows. He bangs his head according to the music, also being watched by the others, though he needs to stop after Gerard says something about a note that could work better.

The Nada Recording's place itself isn't a wide place or anything great, but it's what we have and can afford. Not like I'm complaining, no, I like it here and by a lot. Something about it is comfortable or maybe it's just being with the guys, all of us so excited about working on our first long record. High expectations and hard work.

Geoff starts discussing with Gerard and Ray and that's when I know it's probably going to be another one of these days in which we spend more time talking than actually doing anything - the others probably notice it too as I can already see Mikey standing up from his place on the couch with me to leave the room. A sharp and small pain starts attacking my head, most likely resulting from loud music the whole morning along with the smell of cigarettes constantly present in the room.

Frank, on the other hand, seems fine as he walks into the room, eyes scanning it briefly before he's approaching with a can of soda in hand.

"Hey," he mutters, taking a seat on my lap before I can even answer; I exhale, placing my notes aside to wrap my arms around his waist. "Sorrows?"

"Yeah." I nod, glancing at Ray again, who furrows his eyebrows as Gerard points to the frets and Geoff stands aside, hands on his hips.

"Annoying. Gonna hit him with my guitar if he gets like that with me." Frank downs the last bit of soda and places the can on the couch, leaning against me to rest his head on my shoulder.

I laugh, giving his hip a squeeze. "I'd like to see that happen. He'd freak out."

Frank laughs too, but we're eventually falling silent when Gerard turns to glare at us. "I can hear you two!" He points at us - Ray rolls his eyes in the background, turning to talk with Geoff instead.

"Cool, at least you got time to prepare yourself!" Frank replies, snatching chuckles from the two of us again whereas Gerard rolls his eyes and turns back to Ray, who starts playing again. A smile still lingers on Frank's lips as he adjusts himself on my lap, a hand playing with my shirt lightly, tracing the print.

"And that's him," a sudden voice says and imeddiately Frank and I look towards it, having our momentarily silence disturbed - Alex holds the camera towards us, mostly towards Frank, with a stupid grin on his face. "Our sweet baby!"

A shy laugh comes from Frank as he looks away, whatever he says sounding incoherent.

"No!" I shake my head, wrapping my arms around Frank tightly. "It's my sweet baby!"

"You gotta share!" Alex frowns terribly, despite his face being partly covered by the camera. "I know he's not that big to be shared, but still!"

Frank gasps, glaring at Alex, but never gets the chance to say anything since I'm protesting first. "No," I scoff. "He's just mine! I found him, I take care of him; he's mine! And if you keep recording him, I'm gonna make you pay! Fifty bucks a minute!" I cup Frank's face to press a kiss to his cheek, which's red by now, then wave a hand in dismissal towards Alex so he'll stop, though I never really can bring myself to stop grinning.

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