Movie Night??

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Scott's POV

When I woke up Kira was still sleep on my chest. She looked so calm beautiful. "Mmmmmmm,good morning." Her eyes began to flutter open. "Good morning beautiful." She yawned and began to get up. "Why didn't you date anyone when me and Taylor were together." I was stunned by the question. Why hadn't I dated anyone while they were dating. Maybe I just was to in love with Kira. "Uhmmm I don't know that's kinda out of the blue don't you think." "Yeah, but you never wanted to  test the waters." I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah kinda but not really." "Well I think you should test the waters before we get to serious, you know see if the feelings are still the same." I was very shocked, was she being serious right now, especially after last night. "Ugh yeah sure, uhm you should probably go home, your mom is probably worried sick." She shook her head yeah. "Yeah your right I should go, and Scott I'm.... never mind." And with that she left. Is she really being serious right now,other people. Which means other people for her too. Oh boy...

Hannah's POV

Ugh.another weekend,doing nothing. No plans, no plans,no plans. My phone began to ring and I picked it up. Not even bothering to look at who it was. "Hello." "Hay, Hannah you wanna hang out tonight." "Uhmm who is this." "Scott, from the store the other day." "Oh,sorry I didn't even look at my phone before I picked it up. But uhm sure, what did you have in mind." "Movies my place around 8." I smiled. "Yeah sure sounds like a plan." "So it's a date." By smile grew even larger as if that was even possible. "It's a date." "Cool see you tonight". We hung up. I began jumping and down and dancing. I was so excited. I had a date with Scott McCall. The hottest guy in the school, well now he is since Jackson and Isaac and the twins all moved away. Oh Jackson how I've would've loved to kiss you soft lips. I've fantasied about this for so very long and it was finally coming true.....Now what to wear??

Stiles POV

Lydia was so beautiful. Standing there in the sunlight,she was just so beautiful. "What are you staring at??" I looked up from my daze to see Lydia walking over to me. "A beautiful majestic human being." She rolled her eyes. "What it's true." "Hmmmm well thank you." "Your very welcome,and by the way Scott wants us to come over you know movie night." "What movie are we watching." "Uhmm idk he said it's a surprise." She turned to her closet, I'm assuming to get something to wear. "You think this has something to do with him wanting to get back with Kira." "I don't know maybe." "I just don't think she's mentally stable to go back out with him. I mean did you see the way she was last night she was crazy drunk, and all she could talk about was Taylor and how Taylor's so great and how Taylor always does this....I just don't think she's ready." "Should I tell him to cancel?" I asked scratching my head now very confused. "No,.Kira's a big girl she can handle herself... I hope."

Isaac's POV

She was sleeping so peaceful, her eyes began to flutter open as I softly touched her hair. "Mmmm good morning sleeping beauty." "Mmmm good morning." Were just gazed in each others eyes for what felt like a million years, then she finally blinked, and are gaze was over and I heard my favorite sound.... her laugh,along with her beautiful one of a kind smile. The Allison argent smile. I continued to stare at her. "What are you looking at?" She asked with the prettiest confused face. "Your just so beautiful, I had to take it all in at once." She smiled again. Then sat up. "Wanna gets some breakfast." "I'll go anywhere you want." "Okay how about Richards walkers pancake house." "Let's go." "Yayy." My phone buzzed and I turned to grab it. "Hey Scott" "Hey Isaac,I'm having a movie night at my place around 8 you should bring Allison the whole packs coming." "Okay well be there." We both hung. "What did he want." "He says  having a movie night for the pack." "That should be fun." "More or less." She shook her head and laughed. "Just get dressed."

Kira's POV

When I got home I ran upstairs to avoid any type of contact with my parents and went straight to my room. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I ran my hands through my hair and breathed in and out slowly. For what I did at Scott's house is still unbelievable. How could I do something so stupid. Especially after how I acted during the night. I just needed some rest and tea. I changed into some sweats and put on a baggy T-shirt then went down stairs and put some water on the stove. I got out the tea bags and my mug and sat on the couch while I waited for my water to warm up. I played on my phone for a while. 'Buzzzzzzzz. My Phoenix started to vibrate I was getting a call from Scott. "Hey." "Hey Kira I'm throwing a pack movies night and I wanted to know if you wanted to come." "Yeah, sure what time." "Around 8" "sure I'll be there." We hung up and I put my phone down. "Great another great chance to embarrass myself in front of the pack."

Scott's POV

It was two minutes from eight and everyone had showed up.. expect Kira and Hannah. *ding dong* . The doorbell rang. I ran over to the door to go see who it was. "Hannah." I welcomed her in. "Hey sorry I'm late I didn't really know what to wear.....or were your house was." "Oh yeah, kinda forgot to tell you. Why didn't you just ask." "I-" she was cut off when the door bell rang. "Hold that thought." I ran back to the door. "Kira" "Scott" she walked in. "Uhm the pack is  in the living room" "Okay." I went back to Hannah. "I thought this was a date." She asked very confused. "Oh well it's kinda a gang date." Her mouth dropped opened. "Gang I thought it was only gonna be me and you." "It's okay they'll love you come on." I grabbed her hand and walked towards the living room. "Guys this is Hannah, we grew up together." "Hi Hannah." Everyone said, Kira looked kinda shocked so did Lydia and Stiles. Then he whispered somthing to Lydia. But I guess he forgot I had super hearing because I heard everything he said. "No Stiles this night was not about getting back with her." He turned his head. "Hahahaha of course not buddy." I shook my head. "Okay let's just watch the movie." We went to go sit down on the couch. "I wanna watch frozen." All four of the girls said then laughed. "Frozen it is then." I got up and put in frozen. Than sat back down next to Hannah. We were kinda close so it was hard not to put my arm around her. Kira looked over at us and rolled her eyes I could tell she was irritated. But I payed no mind hoping it was just temperior. "How about we play sing along." Kira yelled. "Ouuuuu yeah." Allison replied. "Uhm what's that.?" Hannah asked. "Its this game were two people sing a song with the movie and they go measure by measure line by line etc. It's really fun." "Sounds fun let's play." "OK me and Lydia first."

Kira's POV

Lydia and Stiles were going and honestly I wasn't paying any attention I just kept looking at Scott and Hannah flirting. Uugghh. "Scott, can we talk." "Yeah sure." We both got up and walked to the side hall. "So you and Hannah.. are you guys together." "No it's just a date." "That was fast." "You told me to move on and that's what I'm trying to do." "Yeah I know I'm just." *ding* the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." "No I'll get it u go back to Hannah." He mouthed thank you and went back to the living room. I went to the door. "Hello.... " "Kira" I wqs pulled into the tightest hug of my life the ones just like Taylor use to give me. "Taylor."

I'm so sorry It took so long. I have been very busy lately but I hope you guys enjoy and stay tuned and find out how Taylor is back and will Kira get back with him or Scott. Or will Scott stick with Hannah

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