Foggy Glass

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Scotts POV
We weren't really about have sex in the woods...were we? No of course not. We just made up literally five minutes ago. I wanted to  take things slow this time,because every time we rush things it always ends up bad. I want to do it right this time. I pull away. "I can't do this,we can't do this. I wanna take things slow this time." She was embarrassed I could smell it all over her. She didn't think I wanted her like that,but I did just not like this. Not here. "I'm sorry Kira." She looked up. "I just really want to do it right this time." She shook her head. "I understand." She got up. "Just kinda wish you would've said that before we laid on the dirty ground." I laughed. She always knew how to break the ice,when things were awkward. "I'm sorry won't happen again." She held out a hand to help me up,which I gladly took. I brushed the leaves off my shirt and pants. "Wanna finish?" I looked up at her wondering what she meant by finish. "Ughhh.." "Are walk?" She giggled. "Oh yeah, sorry didn't know which one you were talking about." She skipped away. "Hey wait up!"

Lydia's POV
Stiles and I were getting ready to go to my grandmothers lake house to relax and have some one on one time."Don't forget to pack your toothbrush and CLEAN under wear." I yelled to stiles. "I did gosh!" We were rushing because this was very last minute and we didn't want anyone to try to tag along. *BRIINNNGGGG "Stiles, can you go get the door? Please and thank you"

Stiles POV
I ran down the stairs praying it wasn't Scott with more bad news. I opened the door. "Hey ca-" Jackson
"What the hell are you doing here!?!" I was so shocked I didn't even respond with a smart comment. "Ugh." "Are you just gonna stand there ooorrr?" "Stiles who's at the-Jackson" 
"You don't look so happy to see me..." He joked. "Of course I'm happy I'm just really shocked,what are you doing here?" "Well I missed this old broken down town." "Well I'm glad your back" I looked up at Lydia,then looked back down at Jackson. "Okay are you guys done because we have somewhere to be." "Stiles" "What I wanna get there early" "Where you guys headed??" I looked at Jackson. "A place,now see ya."

Isaacs POV
Me and Allison were looking for Taylor but we couldn't find him anywhere. All we knew is that he is somewhere in the woods and we need some information on these new creatures in town. "Do you have anything yet?" I looked up at Allison. "No not yet,it's kinda hard ya know...when there's so much wild life out here and a lot of other things." I said looking at a piece of dog poop on the ground, "well smell harder." "Why is this so important to you?" She paused. "What do you mean,it's important for all of us to know." "Yeah but Scott is usually the one to find these things and there hasn't been any signs of any beastly damage." "Okay well I still wanna know." "Does this have anything to do with your granddad." "What no,he's in a hospital where he belongs...I think."

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