New Semester in my life called Taylor

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Two months later...

Kira's POV

TWO months have passed and it's been awkward ever since me and Scott's break up. We had a good two weeks off of school for winter break and I got to see my older sister, and she talked to me about Scott and helped me alot with the break up. It's still awkward sometime during pack meetings but I have to just get use to it I guess. I walk into the my bathroom and brush my hair into a messy bun and sprayed on some perfume. I had a black leggings on and a marvel sweater with some plain converses. "Kira!I heard my mom yell and I ran down stairs with my book bag and phone "I'm coming, I'm coming " I yelled back. When I made it down I was greeted by some strange (well not strange actually really hot,he had dark brown hair and a nice smile and dark brown eyes with a avengers hoodie similar to mind and some dark blue skinny jeans with some black vans. ) boy and my mom. "Kira this is Taylor, he and his family just moved here from Nevada and he needs to make some friends so I just thought...." "thought that I could introduce him to my friends and show him his classes and everything else gotcha mom, and Taylor welcome to Beacon Hills." I shook his hand "thanks". "Well bye mom were off to school." She waved bye. Taylor followed up behind me as we walked out of the door, "So Taylor do you like Beacon Hills so far?" He just looked at me and smiled. "Did you like Beacon Hills when you first moved here from New York?" " so I'm guessing that's a no." He nodded and snapped. The ride to school was not at all one bit quiet we talked the whole entire ride we had so much in common. He really did have a pretty smile and nice teeth. And nice hair. As we get out of the car I ask him for his schedule." Uhm sure" I scanned over it and we actually have all the same classes." Lucky you we have all are classes together and the same lunch." " yay I got all my classes with a really hot girl that'll keep my mind off all the long lectures " . I looked up at him he stood there smiling looking down at me. There it is again that really sexy smile. Gosh he is so HOT. I was drawn from my thoughts when I heard Malia yell my name. "Kira! Over here." Without thinking I grabbed Taylor's and ran to Malia. "Hay Malia this is Taylor he is new to Beacon hills. " " Hey what made your parents move to this dry town.?" " I have no absolute clue but it's nice to meet you." She smiled, she looked down and noticed me and Taylor holding hands, she grabbed my free hand and pulled me to the side " so you and the new guy huh. I like it finally getting over.... " I cut her off " No we are just friends and my mom wanted me to show him around and we promised not to say you know who name only if necessary. " she looked at Taylor than looked back at me then back at Taylor who was now smiling at both of us and waving. She looked at me and said " I give it about a week." "What are you talking about." "You'll see in a week exactly what I mean" she smiled and walk away. I walked back to Taylor " sorry about that she can be kinda.......well Malia has no definition yet she is still a mystery. " we both laughed " Well we should get going I don't wanna be late for my first class if the year" " Right English here we come." We went inside the school and I walked to my locker "Hay wheres your locker again?" He stepped over one locker. "Right here" I laughed well this should be a fun rest of the year. "Well this is going to be a great year." " Yea, Oh and I like your sweater it's so..." I was caught off guard when I saw Scott staring at me. Great just what I need.

Scott's POV

Who was Kira talking to. A guy an actually guy. I mean it's not like she couldn't get a guy I mean look at her but why so sudde we just broke up only two months ago. I build up my confidence and walk over there.

Kira's POV

WHY WAS SCOTT WALKING OVER HER ERGO SCOTT.I panicked and slammed by locker closed, "Hey Taylor I think we should go to hour class now let's go." I grabbed his hand and began to walk. " Kira!" I heard Scott yell my name from behind I just walked faster. What did he want we haven't talked in ages and now he sees me with a really hot guy and gets a curious, so what I'm not good enough to get Taylor a smoking hot skater boy,Oh who am I kidding he'll probably be Lydia's next sex victim..

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