Quiet Now

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Taylor's POV

"I hope you know I'm not doing this because I'm some evil sick twisted person."
"Of course not you just kidnap supernatural creatures and turn them into serial killers....yeah your totally sane."
I giggled. "So much like Stiles its ridiculous.....you miss him don't you?" She looked down in silence. "Why do you even care. Your gonna kill me anyways." She yelled, so much emotion in her voice but mostly sorrow. "Malia I'm not going to kill you as of a matter of fact I'm going to save you." "What are you talking about." "After this conversation you won't remember anything, now just sit and relax while your waiting for the doctors."

Kira's POV

We couldn't find Taylor and Malia anywhere and it was almost midnight. I began to leave the woods.... I stopped in my tracks when I began to hear running. I grabbed my belt. I stood steal until I felt like they were right behind me. "KIRA." I turned around. "Taylor what-what are you doing out here I thought you were with Malia." "I was. But then something came after us i managed to escape I came back trying to get some help I-I don't know where they took her I can't get a scent or anything." "We're looking for her too, are you hurt?" "No but I don't think you should be out here by yourself Kira." "Taylor I can protect myself." He smirked. "I know,come on." "We should call Scott he may know were to look." "Yeah.'' Maybe Scott was wrong about Taylor. We went to Sott's house. He must've smelt Taylor from afar because he rushed outside when we pulled up. "Kira, what is he doing here?" "Hello to you to Scott." He just glared at him. "He's not the one killing people Scott." "Wait you thought I was the one killing people." "Your the only ones near the victims." "Yeah and so were you." "Well what about what you told Kira after you guys broke up." "It was in the heat of the moment I was angry." "Whatever." "GUYS, this is not the time to be fighting we need to find Malia." "Well I know where we can start."

Malia's POV

I was alone I didn't have  clue to where I was at all I can remember is being chased after this huge beast.
"MALIA!" I heard a familiar voice in the distance but I couldn't make out who it was. I knew it was a guy. "Malia." "Taylor." He broke the gate that was keeping me inside the small room. I was so week I could barely move. "C'mon lets get you out of here." He packed me up and carried me to Kira's car where Scott and Kira stood. Kira ran up to Taylor and me. She hugged me as tight as she could. "Still in very much pain." "Oh yeah sorry, I'm just so happy your okay." "Thanks so am I but can we leave just the sight of this place creeps me out." "Haha c'mon." The drive back was silent mostly because everybody was sleepy. When we reached Scott's house he got out and didn't say anything to any body not a "goodbye"nor a "see you later" just a silent walk. I stayed the night at Kira's house because it was already 2 in the morning and I didn't feel like hearing my dad yell at me for being out past curfew.
We both took are showers and turned on a movie and laid down and got comfortable. "Malia can I ask you something." "Yeah sure." "Are you sure you don't remember anything before you got took away." "All I remember is being chased by something not human and when I looked over they had already took Taylor." "So Taylor isn't a bad guy." "No why would you think that?" I asked her in confusion. "I don't know it's just Scott kept assuming and I listened." "Well he's a good guy and Scott was wrong but next time listen to yourself before you listen to someone else." She shook her head and we continued to watch the movie.

Scott's POV

I keep making the wrong decisions and I feel like wants something really comes for us..:... I won't be ready. And I don't know what to do.

Thank you guys so much for ready my book and please tell me what you think of this chapter I'm sorry it took so long let me know what you think should or will happen in the next chapter.

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