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Kira's POV

Jogging for me was like meditating. Which always calms me down. I just don't know why I've never enjoyed jogging during gym class. Only when I'm alone in the woods. But right now it doesn't feel like I was alone. I stop in my steps looking around to see if anyone is out here with me. "Hello!" I yelled. No reply. Mayb it's just imagination. "Kira!" I turned my head. "Lydia." I whispered. I began walking towards her but then I stopped when I saw Stiles. He wrapped his arm around her neck and started to choke her. "STOP LET HER GO" I was about to run towards her but two oni vanished in front of me. One grabbed my arms and the other grabbed my head. It's eyes started to glow yellowish green. I was falling in a daze his eyes became more and more bigger. And then I saw black.

Lydia's POV

Where was Kira she was supposed to be the one to help me but now she was in the woods stranded and I was in a basement of a mental house. I needed to call for help or yell I just need to do something. So I yelled for help over and over again. And I stopped yelling when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Why did you bring me hear." "Oh because you.. you are special Lydia. And the talent that you have I can use."  "What you think I'm gonna help you. You think I'm going room tell you ANYTHING!" I yelled. "You won't have to talk. You'll be screaming."

Taylor's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about last night and the whole thing about the full moon and me losing control. I needed to get all this off my mind and just relax. "Mom I'm going for a jog." I yelled upstairs to her room. "Okay honey be safe." And with that I left. As I was jogging I heard whimpering. It kinda sounded like a hurt puppy so I ran towards the sound. "Kira..." "They.... they've got." She passed out again. How did she even get here what even happened. I called the only person I could call Scott.

Allisons POV

I'd called Lydia over and over again but there was still no answer. I felt like she was ignoring me and honestly it was killing me and I didn't know why she was ignoring me. And I was bound to find out why. I texted Lydia even though I know she wasn't going to answer. "Lydia I'm coming over". I sent it and left.

When I got to her house her mom said she wasn't there and she had left with Stiles. "What do you mean she left with Stiles." "She got in his car and they drove off Allison is everything okay." "Ugh yeah I gotta go see you later Ms.Martin."

I walked away and went straight to Scott's house. When I pulled up he was walking out of the door. "Scott I think Stiles has Lydia her mom said she left with Lydia." "I know I'm going to find Taylor and Kira right now he said he found her in the middle of the woods passed out." "Do you think Stiles did this." "I'm 99% sure he did" "well then we should get going do you have any idea were he would take her?" "Not a clue. But I know who might."

Taylor's POV

What was taking Scott so long. "Taylor." I looked down at Kira she was in my arms by now. "It's me." "When did you get here." "Oh I've been here longer then you think, but that's besides the point how is your head." "Fine, but Stiles had Lydia and I think I know where he is taking her." We both got up when we heard Scott's bike. "You called Scott." She whispered to me. "Yeah I'm new to these things I panicked." "Well next time don't call him." "KIRA" I heard Scott yelling her name. He was running towards her when he reached her she carefully said "I'm okay." And left it at that he was about to hug her but then he stopped himself when he heard the settlement in her voice. "Okay well we gotta go." "Scott... I know where Lydia is." "Wh-Where." He stuttered moving closer to us but now it wasn't in such a embracing mood it was more like a protective mode. "To the camp grounds. Well not the actual camp grounds the mental constitution the basement to be exact." "Well okay I'll call the rest of the gang and well leave as soon as possible. Bug right now Kira you should go home and get some rest." "Are you kidding one of my best friends is missing and you want me to rest Scott I'm not going to be able to sleep knowing that this is my fault she is gone and that I've could've helped her and I should've answered the phone when she called. Scott I'm not going to sleep until I find her." "Me either." We all turned around at the familiar voice Stiles. "Stiles is this really you." Scott asked

"It is me in the flesh. Deaton and Lydia helped me escape void has Lydia. We have to find her." "Well let's go well met at eichon house in 10." We all left after that me Kira ran back to her house. When were got there she started crying. "What's wrong" I asked her but she just shook her head. "I've could've helped her, Oh my Gosh this isn't me I need to pull it together." "Kira it's okay to cry your still human." "Yeaha helpless human" "you are not helpless if anything your brave and heroric." "No I'm not." "Yes you are and you will be even more heroric if you marched into eichon house like a boss and killed all the oni and saved Lydia." She shook her head and smiled then unlocked the doors and got changed.

Lydia's POV

Where the hell are they.  I need to warn Kira and Taylor.

Comment what you think Lydia is going to tell Kira and Taylor. That is if she makes it out in time to chapter has a big fight scene and a big death scene comment who you think is going to die.

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