A nice begining

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After the party was over.....

Scott's pov

It was a new year and it was already going great. Well sorta beside the phone threats. But everything else was going great. I'm winning Kira back and it couldn't be more great.

I got on my motorcycle and began to ride home. On my way home I stopped at a corner store. I opened the door.. "OW, HAY watch were your...." without looking I noticed I bumped into a beautiful girl. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." I apologized. "No it's okay it's fine, I'm such a klutz totally not your fault." She was really sweet and shy. "No here let me help you." I grabbed her stuff off the floor and handed it to her. "Thanks,Scott right." "Yeah, how'd you know." "We've went to the same school for almost 9years now and when were in 3-7 grade we were bestfriends until I moved in the ninth grade to Tennessee for two years." I was shocked it was Haley. "Haley ,Haley Garcia. How have you been oh my goodness it's been so long." " I know how have you been." "Ugh good I guess you could say." "Okay well I guess I'll see you later, here's my number just call me when you hang out." She punched I'm her number and went to her..... motorcycle. I waved Bye and now I have no idea what I came in here for.

Kira's pov

Tonight was amazing. Maybe it was me or the six shots of vodka talking but I've missed the taste of Scott's lips so much. They were so soft and juicy and taste just like LIME FLAVORED TAQUILA. I bursted out into laughter. Omg how am I gonna get home. OK maybe I'll call Scott he's not that far away. I pulled out my phone. "Hey Scott. Are you far because I could really use a ride at the moment." "Sure I'll be right there." "Ooki dokie." I giggled and hung up. It felt like an eternity before he finally arrived. "Uuggh finally, so I was thinking,we should go to your house since I'm hammered and my parents would punish me for life if they saw me like this and it's crazy how I still ramble when I'm this drunk." He laughed. "Sure come on." He handed me his other helmet and I got on the back. The drive was long and everything was moving in slow motion. Okay I'm gonna be honest I was also dared to smoke at this exciting party. We came to a complete stop. "Where here yay,come on let's go." I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door as if he didn't know were to go. "Kira are you sure all you did was drink." "Uhm I might have smoked just a little witttle bit." He shook his head and mumbled something. But I really couldn't understand it. "OK let's get you inside missy." "OK let's go." He unlocked the door and we went upstairs. He opened his room door and it looked really different from the last time I was here. "When was the last time we slept together in the same bed." "Uhmmmmm well let's just say it's been a really long time." He threw a t-shirt on the bed and asked me if I wanted any shorts. "No but do you have my clothes still in your top drew."

Scott's POV

"Yeah why." I turned around to look at her. She was in the middle of shirt off I began to get nervous. "Ugh maybe I should go to the bathroom." "Why you've seen me naked plenty of types what's so new now." She now had her shirt and bra off. "And because I need my underwear to take a shower." My mouth was wide open Kira was never this open..... maybe she should get her drunk and high more often. "Ugh yeah let me go get those for you." I walked over to the top drew and without looking a threw the under wear to her not knowing what kind they were. "Ooouuuu Scott nice choice." She winked at me and went to the bathroom. I was kinda of nervous like crazy nervous. After a while I got changed when I calmed down. "Hey Scott can you hand me a dry towel." "Uhmmmm sure." I went to my closet and pulled out a fluffy towel. "Here ya go." She took the towel and I tried my hardest not to stare but it was kinda hard because of how open she was being. "Scott why are you being so awkward. I mean we've seen each other naked plenty of times." "Yeah but were kinda not together now." She laughed and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled. "Why Scott, why aren't we together anymore I mean we could be very happy together right now but you haven't made a move yet..... so I guess I will.".and put of no where and  kissed me. She began pushing me towards the room. I pulled away. "Kira your drunk you don't know what your doing." "Actually sense I'm supernatural I'm sober. And the shower helped me sober up." She began kissing my neck and pulled my shirt off. I pulled her head up. "Kira you don't have to do this you know." "I know I want to but it's okay if you don't wanna do this." I shook my head with confusion. "Your asking me a guy if I wanna have sex with the girl that I love." She laughed and we both rolled over on the bed. She still had her towel on and was kinda naked so it was hard to take her serious. "Yeah I guess your right." "You know we could just cuddle." She smiled and looked up at me "that sounds like a good plan,but first I can I change. I'm kinda of naked." I laughed. "Sure I'll be here waiting." When she came back she had my beatles T-shirt on. "Nice shirt." "Ha thanks I got it from this really hot yet awkward guy." "Hay, he's not awkward he's just.....awkward." she laughed. "Ok, Mr.Awkward." she got on the bed and latest next to me. I wrapped my arms around her as she layed her head on by chest. She dozed off and fell asleep. "I love you Kira Yukimura".

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