Dread Them

477 14 7

Scott's POV

Everything was a blur. I couldn't even tell were I was. "Scott, hey you okay?". I felt a hand touch my shoulder ever so lightly. I turned around. "Kira...what.where am I?". "Your in my front yard you've been here for like twenty minutes just staring into space,are you sure your okay?''. " Yeah why wouldn't I be?''. "Because not only have you been staring into space I don't think you've notice you have been doing it with your...eyes" I blinked a couple times not understanding what was going on. Maybe something was wrong. "You should come in, I really don't think you should be out here at this time of night considering it is Beacon Hills." "What time is it." "It is exactly 3'o clock in the morning." What am I even doing out this late in the first place now I'm really confused. " Come on lets go upstairs. Everyone else went home expect for Malia of course, considering her home was Stiles home." I came out of my daze when i felt Kira grab my hand, and I reacted in sudden combat mode. I had flipped her on the floor, not thinking about what I was actually doing. "SCOTT WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. I don't know whats going on with you and Hannah but I think you should take it out on her not me." By this time she had got up and brushed her self off. I blinked a couple times and rubbed my eyes. "Kira I am so sorry I don't know whats going on with me I guess i have just had a really rough night,but I know thats still not an excuse to do what I just did to you, and again I'm sorry." I sat on the floor and put my head in my arms trying to figure out what was actually going on. Then I felt Kira's hand once again on my shoulder. "Scott do you wanna talk about it?" How could i talk about something I didn't know anything about. ''I just don't know whats going on, I don't even remember coming to your house I don't even remember leaving Hannah's house." "Do you think it has something to do with the thing you wanted to talk about when you first came here." "I hope not because that would mean Hannah has something to do with it and I honestly don't wanna go down that road." "Well you have to do whats best for you and the pack." "But what if I'm wrong what if Hannah had nothing to do with it at all." "I guess your right but do you really think she's all sweet and innocent? I mean...nevermind." She took a deep breath before she had said never mind. "Are you alright?" she looked up at me. "I just don't wanna see you get hurt." I smiled. "I won't." "But you don't know that and I guess what I'm trying to say is...just be careful." "I will, you be careful too." She smiled. "So say this has something to do with Hannah, what are we gonna do?" "It can't just be Hannah, last night Derek came running to my house panting and panicking saying there was something chasing him....he said.... it was looking for me." I couldn't imagine Hannah having anything to do with this shes way to sweet. But then again so was Jennifer, and she turned out to be evil. "Who else do you-". *Diiinnngg Doonnngg* We both looked up at the door. We got up slowly and walked to the door. She reached for the door knob. She opened the door......"Taylor". "We really gotta stop meeting like this...Scott what are you doing here I thought you were with Hannah." "I was but i left,wait how did you know I was there." "Oh uhm I was riding threw the neighborhood and I saw your bike in the drive way." I didn't by it but I also don't have anything to accuse him with. "Well I think I'm just gonna head home...Bye Kira be safe." I looked up at Taylor and left. 

Kira's POV

"What was Scott doing here?'' "Nothing we were just talking." "He didn't seem weird at all to you." "No why." "No reason,I gotta go." "What did you come over for?" I was now confused. "No reason just wanted to say goodnight." "You know you could've just texted." "Its better in person.'' Before I could say something he had left. Weird. I went upstairs and took a shower. My lights began to flicker and I began to get weak. I couldn't feel anything I was almost like I was completely numb or more like paralyzed. Something was happening to me and it didn't know what it was. I tried to walk to the door and go downstairs but by the time I had reached my dresser I had no control over my legs. I crawled the rest of the way. When I reached the steps everything just went black.

Taylor POV 

"I thought you poisoned him." 

"I-I did."

"Well obviously you failed."

"Please give me one more chance."

"Sadly there are no second chances. Its sad I actually liked you, But its not up to me its up to these three."

3rd POV

They began to walk towards the lab table all at once in slow motion,

"Goodbye Hannah"

Dread them...

I'm so sorry for updating for so late i haven't had access to my wattpad lately but now I'm back and I'm going to go with the them of S5 for the rest of the chapters and I also wanted to kinda make my own version of the experiments and Hannah was my first one...well first failure and I wanna make my own version of Theo which in this case is Taylor. So I really hoped you guys enjoy.

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