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Kira's POV

His lips were just as I remember them soft and sweet all over my neck. I was breathing heavy,tingling sensation running through my veins. "Aaaaahhhhh." And the only thing going through my head was.."SCOTT!".
I felt his face leave the heat of my neck giving me chills. "What the hell did you just say." Taylor yelled getting off my bed. "Taylor,wait I didn't mean-" "You didn't mean what to say your ex boyfriends name in the middle of us making out, God forbid that I'd be the first thing thats on your mind." "He wasn't the first thing that was on my mind,it's just-" "What,oh wait let me guess COMPLICATED.Like everything else is complicated." "Yes it is Taylor, you just show up expecting everything to new okay after two whole months of me crying going through heart break and disbelief that the love of my life is gone for good, and trying to figure out how I was gonna live without him,so Yes Taylor it's COMPLICATED." Everything was just spilling out and maybe Scott was the first thing on my mind but that has nothing to do with complicated. "Kira.. I'm sorry." I looked down at my floors. "It's okay,it's just that your finally here after two months of thinking you were dead it's so surreal, and I'm sorry for saying Scott's name." "It's okay I understand." "Can we just lay here,for a while just so I can have a moment to take all this in." He smiled. "Yeah sure." And so we laid there the entire night and slowly drifted away in each others arms.

Scott's POV

Everything was moving so slow, it feels as if something isn't right. Question fill my mind about Taylor and the phone call I had received at the news years Eve party. "Scott, Hey you okay." I looked up at Hannah hold two coffees. "Yeah I'm fine just thinking about some things." "Things like what." "Nothing, really. So you excited to go back to school?" "Yeah, what about you." "Definitely after so much that's been going on I need something normal again." She laughed. It was cute. But I wasn't really thinking about Hannah I was still worried about Kira. I got up not at all thinking of what I was going to do next. "I have to go to the bathroom." I left trying to pretend like I had to use it Oh so badly. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Kira's number. I rang twice and still now answer. "Hey this is Kira you got my voicemail leave a message and I'll get back to you." Voicemail. Great. I tried again. "Hey Kira." "Scott I can't talk right now qnd besides don't you have a breakfast date with your new girlfriend." "..yeah but that's besides the point, I need to talk to you can you meet at my place at 4." "Fine." "Thank you." I left the bathroom and went back to the table. "Hey."

Lydia's POV

It was weird I hadn't talk to Allison in so long and now she was in my room sitting on my bed. It was an awkward silence. I turned to my closet and pretended to look for something. "Lydia what happened with us we used to be so close and now we barely even look in the same direction." "Allison, I don't know what happened, but I do know what you did to Kira and whether you think it was because of jealousy or not it was wrong in so many ways." It was true I was terribly mad at her for doing what she did. And I didn't know how to forgive her. "Lydia I am so so sorry I never met to hurt you this bad and destroy our friendship like this please just give me another chance." She begged tears running down her face now. "Lydia it's already hard enough not living with this burden on my shoulders, but losing my best friend is more than I can handle." "I love you Allison but its gonna take some time." she nodded her head. "Okay I understand." She got up and left. But before she left she whispered ,I love you too.

Malias POV

Everything was twisted and confusing. Something was happening but nobody was telling me. So I decided to call stiles. "Hey stiles,what's going on everyone's being so distant lately." "Uhmmm I think it might have something to do with Taylor being back and now its just awkward between Scott and Kira." I was completely shocked no one had told me anything. "I didn't know Taylor was back, but why is it awkward for Scott?" "Because he was trying to get Kira back but Taylor came back." "But isn't he seeing Hannah." I was beyond confused my mind was pondering everywhere. "Yeah that's why its awkward for Kira, but I gotta go Lydia wants me to come over." "Oh okay talk to you later." We both hung up. I wish he knew I still loved him and always will.

Isaac's POV

I was tired off the confusion and I just needed answers. "Hey Allison can you come over we need to talk." "Uhmm yeah sure." I hung and waited. It was a light not on my room door. "Hey you wanted to talk." "Hey yeah sit" "okay what do you wanna talk about." "You and Scott." "Okay what about me and Scott." "You still have feelings for him don't you." "I mean he is my first love I will always love him." "But you still want to be with him." "Isaac me and Scott are completely through. We are never getting back together. Its me and you, I love you." "I love you too" I smiled and pulled her into the tightest hug ever. I love Allison argent.

Later that night...

Kiras POV
It was 8:30 and I was pulling up to Scott's house. I got out my car and put my hand up to the door,but before I could knock Scott pulled open the door. "Hey come in." "Okay in I shall." I walked in and turned towards the stairs. "Shall we go up stairs." I suggested. "Uhmmm sure." We both walked up stairs into his room,he locked his door and pointed towards the bed. "Kira-" I cut him off. "Scott can I tell you something." "Sure." I sat down on his bed. "The night Taylor came back and we left, we went to my house and my room. We started making out and in the mist of him-" "Kira not to complain but as much as I love hearing your stories this isn't one I'd like to listen to." "Just listen,in the mist of Taylor kissing my neck I wasn't thinking right and I called out your name." His eyes grew wide. "My what are you saying." He began moving closer. "I don't know, I told him it was a mistake and that it was complicated. But it wasn't a mistake." He was now sitting on the bed next to me. I looked up and our eyes met. We both moved in to kiss each other. Our lips moved in sync, my hand began to rub his chest and back. He pulled away, "Wait Kira are you sure." I shook my head yes, and went back to kissing. I pulled his shirt off and layed him back. He started rubbing my thighs he pulled my shirt off. He smiled, "Cute."(my bra was marvel bright red.) He unclasped my bra. He smiled even bigger. "But these are even cuter." I giggled. I went back to kissing his neck. He turned me over, and pulled the covers over us and began to go down. "AAAAGGGGGGHHHHH."

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