The fox and omega

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Noshiko POV

"Void I know your here you might as well show yourself." "Aaaaahhhhh it's been a long time hasn't it Noshiko hasn't it." "Yes it's has but I'm not here to claim what's riffle mine." "The Oni are not your property in fact that don't want anything to do with you so far as I'm concerned." "You'll never win." "Ugh but this time I will because I've made all the right moves,now all I need is the last tail." "Okay trust me that's the last thing you'll be getting from me." "Oh you didn't think I was going to be getting it did you." As I looked around 4 Oni's came from out of the hidden shadows and grabbed me. Then Stiles (aka void) grabbed the last tail. He stabbed himself with it. "What are you doing!" I yelled. His face just stretched and all his veins in his face began to pop out. "Your crazy" "I told you I'm making all the right exact moves." "Your making chaos." "Exactly." With that him and the oni left. I dropped to the floor looking up at nothing but black dust and fireflies.

Taylor's POV

Tonights a full moon and I have no clue how I'm gonna control this tonight. Maybe Kira could help me. So I called Kira and she said she would be over in a couple. (For all you scallisons fans I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you). I could already feel my self and personality changing. I wanted to hop out of the window and run away. Come on Taylor you got this you can control this come on be strong. I heard a knock on the door and my head shot up. "Hey... so I got some movies and some games and candy to take your mind off the full moon tonight." "Hey Kira I think this was a mistake calling you over here I don't want you to get hurt I can already feel my self changing." "It's gonna be okay I trust you." "But I don't know if I trust myself like this." I spat out. "Taylor it's going to be okay." I shook my head towards her then turned away when I felt hair growing on my face. "You should leave Kira." "Taylor I'm not leaving".  I got up and grabbed her by her wrist "yes you are." "Taylor this isn't you" I let go off her wrist and jumped out of my window and headed for the woods.

Kira POV

He was gone. Out of my sight. There was only one place that he could be going.  The woods. I had to call Scott. He was the only one besides Derek who knew the woods the best. "Scott I need your help." I grabbed my car keys from off of Taylor's bed and walked out of his room. "Taylor doesn't have control over himself on full moon's and I came over to help him take his mind off of it but he started grabbing my wrist and telling me to get out. Then he jumoed out of the window." "Okay were do you think he is." "The woods." "Okay we'll meet up at the trail." I said okay and hung up the phone.

Scott's POV

When I got to the trail I got off my bike and ran to Kira. "Are you okay." I began examining her wrist. "I'm fine." She said in a steady calm voice. "I'm okay." I let out a deep breath. "Good. Well he's definitely here I smell him from a mile away." "Well do you know what direction that mile." She seemed so worried like she was going to lose him forever. "Yeah follow me." We began to run towards the direction Taylor was in. "I see him" I heard Kira whisper behind me. She began walking slowly up to him.

Kira's POV

It was like trying sneak up on somebody without trying to actually scare them. "Taylor" I called out he turned his head around. "This isnt you. All you need is to find something or someone to bring you back to yourself." He started rushing towards me. I got so scared I put my hands over my face and covered my eyes. I felt his breath on my hands and I removed them. I looked up at him still in his wolf form eyes Bright blue teeth sharp as a knife,but still he was beautiful. I wrapped my hands around his neck and began to kiss him. I felt his face change as the kiss grew deeper then I pulled away when I felt he was fully changed. He was shirtless and barefoot. "Wh- why did you do that." He had fallen to his knees by now and I bent down to look at him eye to eye. "Because your my better half."  I helped him up and we walked back to Scott.

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