Creatures Of The Night

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Later that day...

Kira's POV

Its was 7pm and no one had showed up yet. I know I said 8:30 but Lydia is usually always early. I went downstairs and put out some snacks,and put some movies on the table and put out some blankets. (Just in case someone got cold). *DING DONG*. I ran to the door and swung it open. "HEEELLLOOO-oh Hannah...come on in." I moved out of the way and pointed towards the living room. "I was invited right..I don't wanna make things awkward if I wasn't.'' I gave her a fake smile. "Yeah of course you were invited I said it right there infront of everyone to here me at the lunch table." "Yeah,okay kierra-". "Kira.!" "Whatever it is I honestly don't care, You need to worry about keeping you little paws off Scott. He chose me not you so stay away from him before i have to tear you into itty bitty sushi pieces." "Is that a threat, or am I just going crazy." "Oh it was a threat. Oh and make sure boyfriend doesn't hear about this little incident... mmk." She winked and tapped my nose and went to go sit down on the couch. I rolled my eyes. She is so lucky I'm trying to work on my angry or else I would shove my katana so far up her-. *DING DONG. This should be Lydia, I opened the door. "Hey Ly-,oh Hey Malia.'' "Hey whats wrong you smell upset." She looked in the living room. "oooooh,well can you just make an effort to get along with her for tonight I really don't feel like listening to arguing all night." "I tried but right before you came she was threatning me to stay away from Scott as soon as she came in." By this time we were whispering so she wouldn't her us. "Wait she threaten you okay we both can take her c'mon." She started walking over there until I grabbed her arm. "No Malia we have atleast have to try to get along with her even if she is an evil bitch." I looked over at Hannah she was silently laughing to herself. What are you?

Scott's POV

I got everything ready and all the games ready. Now just gotta wait on the guest. Some one was knocking at the door and there heart beat was racing.

"Derek, what are you doing here." "No time theirs something out there in the woods it chased but stopped when I arrived to your street.... it was like it knew where you stayed and who you were." I was so confused. Wastheresomethingafterusagain.

Lydia's POV

I was getting ready to go to Kiras house. I really wasn't up for being in the same room with Allison, i know i said i was going to try to forgive her but i just wasn't ready. But I guess if Kira was forgiving enough to invite her to the get together tonight i could put all my silly grudges aside as well. I didn't know what to wear or what to bring, of course I would bring snacks but what else am I forgetting? I headed out of the door and went to my car and drove off. The car ride was peaceful and it made me wish that times were always like that,peaceful. When I got to Kira's door step, I got chills. Why am I nervous I'm always over Kira's house whats so different now?
'' Hey Lydia you made it come in" I was drown from my thoughts when Kira opened the door with a warm greet. "Wound't miss it for the world." ''Well come on we've been waiting on you for forever." As I walked in all eyes were on me. "Hi Hannah, Malia." She looked down and shook her head. I nodded in silence. "Three down one to go." Kira said skipping towards the living room. "Allison still hasn't showed,that's surprising shes usually always early." "Well maybe she's nervous this is her ex boyfriends girlfriends house." Malia spoke up. "Ex girlfriend." Hannah reassured her. Malia growled. "Hannah I really think you should leave now, before things get ugly." I spoke up. "Taking advice from a banshee hmmmmm maybe your right maybe I should leave but than again your not the widest banshee so I think I'll stay." We were all stunned and confused at the fact that she knew what I was. "How do you know about-". "Scotts my boyfriend he tells me everything." "Yeah right he won't even tell you his math grade let alone his friends secrets." Kira yelled. "So tell us what you know!?" Malia asked sitting up. "I know that Scott's on his way." It was a knock on the door.

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