Plans for the day

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The Next Day...

Kira's POV

Everyone was safe and sound. Everything was calm. But that didn't mean everyone was okay. Malia was still traumatized. Scott didn't know what was right from wrong anymore he didn't know anything anymore. In the time I was daydreaming I realized that it had been past 7:30 and I was officially running late and if I had any chance of being on time for first period I would have to skip breakfast and my 15 minute nap before school. After I finished getting ready I raced down stairs and went straight to the kitchen to grab a bottle of orange juice. I took a quick sip and headed out to my car. When I went outside I had realized that today was in fact Sunday. Great.

I shook my head and softly laughed at my self. But since I don't have school today I can relax and do normal teen stuff instead of normal supernatural stuff. It was a netflix and chill kinda day. But with whom. Decisions decisions. I search through my contacts back and forth up and down. I wanna invite Scott but he's been acting so distance ever since last night. And Taylor I just don't feel very comfortable or safe. I know Stiles and Lydia won't wanna do anything but cuddle and be together and I really don't wanna be around that. Gosh  I really need some new friends. Maybe I should call Akiko.


Derek's POV

Time had slowed down everything was quiet and I was with the most amazing girl in the world.

"Babe! what do you wanna do today." I heard Akiko's voice behind me. I turned and looked at her and all I could do is smile. "What are you smiling at?" "You, you're just so beautiful. I just can't help myself." She was now smiling which made me smile even bigger. I haven't felt this way in so long. It feels really good. "Sooo what do you wanna do today. We can go to the movies, sit in the house and play games, go to the mall." "Are those my only options?" "No but I would really like to go to the mall." "Mall it is then." "YAY!"

Scott's POV

Today was Sunday and I had nothing to do...nothing at all. Maybe I should call stiles we can play video games and watch movies and eat junk food all day. Like it used to be. But then again nothing is really the same. It would be nice to hang out again, we haven't really hung out in awhile. I dialed stiles number but he didn't answer. Well there go my planes for Sunday.

Lydia's POV
"Stiles, Scott just called you want me to call him back?" "No but could you do me a favor?" "Yeah sure what is it?" "Go on a date with me."
"Stiles that's not really a favor." "It is to me. So will you?" "I'd be glad to." "Great lets go."
He grabbed my hand and ran outside to his jeep. "Where are we going?" "It's a surprise." "Oh god."

Kira's POV
Well Akiko is definitely a no. But at least she has someone to hang with on this lovely day.
Maybe I should Allison....

Alison's POV
"Isaac stop we have to study." "Uggghhhh but studying is so boring doing this is so much better." I rolled my eyes. "Playing video games will get you no where in life but on my couch fat and drunken." "Well at least I'll have a home to stay at." "Hmmm I wonders who's.." I laughed. "Heeyyy!fine I'll study but only because I don't wanna be homeless without anywhere to play video games." "Yay!" He opened his notebook and book. "What does Senile mean?" " I have no clue." "You haven't went over my note cards?" "Kinda." I just put my head down. My phone buzzed. It was a message from Kira.
"Hey you free today?"
"Sorry helping Isaac study."
I felt kinda bad but I know I have to help Isaac.

Kira's POV
Well that was a bust. No plans. No friends. Great. My phone rang I didn't check it I just answered. "Hello?" "Hey Kira you have any plans for today?" "No what about you." "Not at all." "Well you can come over if you want." "Really okay I'll be over in 5." "Great see you soon." We hung up. Yay plans with Scott today

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