What are we ??

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Kira's POV

I didn't want to go back down stairs but I knew I had to because either way I still had to face him at school, so I might as well get it over with. I walked down the steps but when I looked at my front door he wasn't there would he just leave me without anything to say,or is he behind my house.I ran to my back door and looked out my back door but he wasn't back  there.I just went back to my room and got my clothes and stuff ready for school and got in the shower. When I got out I couldn't help bust to  out in tears. I didn't understand what was really happening maybe this was all a dream but if it was why did it feel so real.

The next day

I woke up I felt miserable I spent t the whole night crying and eating chocolate ice cream . But that didn't matter now all that matter was how am I going to face Scott.

Scott's POV

Today was going to be hard hopefully Kira  will talk to me at the lunch table so I can explain but how could explain something that I didn't even understand. I walk into the school doors and I see Kira at her locker with her hair falling down her back with simple skinny blue jeans and a  crop top hockey jeresy with the bottom half of her stomach out with some black converses. I ran up to her locker but as soon as I got there she just closed her locker and left. I grabbed her arm but she didn't turn around at all. I could understand she was mad but was it really this bad." Kira please just let me explain." "Explain what how you and Allison were making out right in front of me or when guys were making out in the supply closet!". She snatched away and went up the stairs. I just watched wanting to move but I just couldn't it was like my body was paralyzed.

Kira's. POV

I didn't know what to do maybe I should listen to him or maybe I should just let him be happy with Allison because that looks like what was happening. "Hey kira what's wrong?" I was pulled from my thoughts when Malia grabbed my arm."uhm nothing I was just thinking. You know about are economic test today. " "oh yea we do have that test well see you at lunch " wait Malia get back here I promised stiles that you would take the test and not skip" " he will never find out" . After bickering back and forth for about two minutes I just grabbed her arm and pulled her to coach's class.When I was in the middle of my test I couldn't stop thinking about Scott and Allison but I needed to get these questions done and I just wanted to clear my head so I closed my eyes and tried to focus. What is the answer to question number 57come on Kira you got this come on."AND TIME IS UP PASS UP YOUR TEST" WHAT NO IM NOT DONE THIS CAN NOT BE HAPPENING.  I passed my test up and put me head down in disappointment. Why Scott McCall must you always remain in my head. The bell rang and I just walked straight out without even waiting for Malia "kira were are you going! " she yelled trying to get my attention.I just walked away with even thinking to turn around.

Scott's POV

I hope Kira sits at the lunch table today oh please oh please.As she walked threw the cafiteria doors right behind her was Allison (but what is she doing here I thought she was staying home from school today).Allison sat right by me and smiled i smiled back Kira sat across from us and she just looked down at her hands and didn't say a word .I was pulled from my thoughts when Allison started rubbing my leg up and down, and of course i reacted i jumped up out of my seat.What does she think she is doing I DATE KIRA......well I think I do,I really don't know what we are anymore.Kira looked up and I saw tears in her eyes she saw what had happened and just got up and left."KIRA WAIT" I ran after her so fast my eyes were probably bright red but Kira begin to run faster and out the doors she went I pushed the doors open (the only place she could be is the trail in the woods....only one way to find out.

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