Winning her back

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Kira's POV

What was I doing running in the woods skipping school. I stopped to catch my breath but then I started to feel a hand go on my shoulder and I screamed "AAAAHHHHH" "Kira it's okay it's just me Scott you know your boyfriend or atleast I hope I am." Was he but how could he after so much stuff he had done I don't think I could even forgive him."Scott do you know what you've put me through these pass few days because if you did you wouldn't keep hurting me. " " And I'm sorry for that but I wanna make it up to you and only you Allison and I are nothing but friends and I don't even know why she is acting the way she is I don't know why she kissed me on are movie night or kissed me in the supply closet. All I know is that I want you and only you, and I hope you are willing to forgive me. " "Scott it's not that easy I can't just turn my trust for you on and off like a light switch " "I know and I know it's not easy but Kira....just "  tears begin rolling down his eyes it was his turn to cry."just one more chance please." A tear rolled down my cheek and I just nodded my head yes. He pulled me in for a hug by my shoulders..

Scott's POV

I was speechless all I wanted to do was kiss her but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it, because it felt like we were just meeting and starting over. We went back to the lunch table holding hands. "Kira I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me I guess I was just going through a face of break up." "But you and Scott broke up a long time ago. " "well yea but me and Isaac broke up a week ago and I couldn't go through seeing you and scott together I guess I was jealous but I'm so sorry and I hope you guys are happy together. " "thank you Allison and I'm sorry about you and Isaac he doesn't know a good thing when he sees it." She smiled and for the first time in a while I felt like we were whole again.


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