Friday Nights

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Friday night 6 pm

Kira's POV

It was six o'clock and I needed to get for the movies tonight with Taylor but I didn't know what to wear. And the only person who knows me better than myself is Lydia. "Hay Lydia I need your help." "Sure with what? " "I need something to wear to my movie date tonight." "WAIT have a date and you didn't tell me my real question is who is it with because I swear of you say Scott. " " NO! never going down that road again. It's uhm Taylor. " "WHAT THE NEW HOT KID OMG Kira you've known the guy for one day." "Yeah I know but it feels like we've known each other for years. I don't know it's like we have are own little connection." "Awwwwww it's like love at first sight,  well I think you should wear you plaid pink dress with your black combat boots and your leather jacket." "Oh my Gosh thank you Lydia your a life saver." "If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that. Well bye have fun on your date." "Thanks bye ". I got my cloths out and took a shower and washed my hair. I brushed my teeth because you never know what might happen tonight. How was I gonna were my hair tonight was the real question. I stared at myself in the mirror for a real real long time then it finally came to me of how I was gonna were my hair. Curled ponytail and a swooped bang and two loose hairs on the sides. Perfect. It was 7:30 already and I still needed to get dressed. I was kinda scared because this would be my first date since me and Scott broke up. UGGHHHHHH I SAID HIS NAME AGAIN.

Scotts POV

Tonight is going to be so boring and today at school was upsetting because Kira and Taylor were flirting all day and she fell for everyone of his pickup lines. Maybe I should call her ask if she wants to hang out maybe have a movie night. I picked up my phone and looked in my phone for Kira. I dialed the number but she didn't answer so I just text her.

'Hey Kira wanna hang out tonight we could watch star wars.'

     'Sorry I can't I have plans '

'Oh OK talk to you later.'

Well that went great.

Kira's POV

It was 7:59 and I was starting to go downstairs and on the dot was Taylor. "Hay you look amazing. " " thanks you don't look so bad for yourself, Hey mom me and Taylor are about to go now love you." "OK bye honey love you too."  We left and we got to his car he opened the door for me he had a all black ferrari four and I didn't know if it was his car or his dad's. "Wow. " " I know right I just wish it was actually mines. " "Ooh so it's not yours well that's too bad maybe next year you'll get one." "Yeah or not I don't really like driving stick shift cars. Well we better get going or will miss the first half of the movie." We drove to the movies and when he parked he opened my door and helped me out. When we walked into the movies we walked in like a couple he grabbed my hand and pulled me by my waist to his side. It was really sweet and I didn't mind the fact that he wasn't Scott. "Uhm two tickets to Annabelle. " "Why such a scary movie. " "Oh well if your scared just grab me I'll keep you safe." He winked at me "I'm okay I can handle a couple of ghost. " "sure come on." We got popcorn and twizzlers and one big coke and two straws. When we got into the movies we both got a text each one from Scott. I read it... we are having a pack meeting tonight we just found out it was some new villians in Beacon Hills. Hurry.

I turned my phone off and looked at Taylor "should we go?" "I mean if you don't wanna die". I shook me head and looked down at the ground." I guess your right sorry about are date." "It's okay we can come back later tonight or tomorrow l." I couldn't help myself but smile. He smiled back and we stayed like that for a good five seconds intil he did the unthinkable...

Taylor's POV

I couldn't help myself I pulled Kira in by her waist and kissed her. I just couldn't help it her lips looked so soft and sweet. When we pulled away she said,"well that was unexpected but in a good way." I smiled and grabbed her hand so we could walk to the car.

Scotts POV

I was worried and scared for my pack I knew that they were tired of all these bad guys. I didn't want to put a damp on every ones night but it had to be talked about. The first ones to arrive was Kira and Taylor. I went up to open the door and greeted them I looked down and saw that Kira had changed and she looked stunning, "you look nice Kira." "Thanks". I couldn't take my eyes off of her she looked absolutely stunning but when she and Taylor walked in they were holding hands. I was shocked of course but they were just friends so it didn't face me as much. "Uhm the rest should be here in a couple minutes." I pointed at Kira "ugh can me and you talk......privately. " "sure why not." We walked to the hallway by the stairs." Are you and Taylor you know a thing now?" "I ugh...... don't know how to answer that question. " "look I don't wanna make things awkward between so it's okay if you and...... Taylor are dating. " " I really don't think we should be talking about this right now."  OK maybe we shouldn't but I need to know why is she avoiding the question it's yes or no. "I know..I'm sor-"  "yes."  She cut me off and said yes and I wanted to punch a wall and rip Taylors throat out. I gave her a fake smile and nodded my head "okay then." I walked away and ran up stairs and yelled down pack meeting cancelled. I texted the the others the same. "SCOTT!"Kira yelled my name and I just wanted to Ignore her it hurt so much to see her with him and it broke my heart to know that she seems so happy with him. I just wanted things to go back to normal.As i layed in my bed I heard footsteps coming towards me and the smell of vanilla and magnolias...... Kira. "Look I'm sorry I just didn't know how to say or how...." I cut her off "no don't be sorry I should be the one saying sorry I was being noisy when I know your not my...." I stopped and closed my eyes. "I should go Taylor's waiting for me." She walked out and I didn't know what to do stop her or let her go.

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