Torn between the two...

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Stiles POV

I was walking to my class and I heard the sound of grunting . I walked over to the

noise I saw Scott punching at a locker. "SCOTT woah Hay calm down." "How can I calm down when Kira doesn't even wanna talk to me with out being irritated with me or feeling sorry for me. " " Scott it's okay she'll come around trust me they always do." I patted him on the back a couple times. "Stiles you don't understand you have two girls that are head over Hills for you and ones just afraid to admit it." At this time scott had his head off the locker and was looking at me. "Wait who is the second girl." "Lydia,she's in love with you just to afraid to admit it. Your really didn't know." "WHAT! OMG Lydia she's in love with me do you know what this means....." " it means your gonna have to choose between Malia and Lydia both very fisty, so that's leaves you with two options break up with Malia or tell Lydia you don't feel the same way." I didn't think of it that way. "Thanks for the great advice buddy, lets just go to class. "

Lydia's POV

Stiles and Scott were late to class as usual and Kira was getting anxious as usual. "Kira calm down there gonna get here." "It's not that it's just last Friday night me and Taylor went to Scott's house for a pack meeting and when I told him I was on a date with Taylor and he canceled the meeting and just ran up stairs and I didn't know what to do." "Wait you told him, Kira why would you tell him do you know how long it's gonna take him to get over you and Taylor dating." "It's just he kept asking if we were or not and I didn't wanna lie to him." "Kira.... heads up." She turned her head and looked up at Scott and Stiles. Then looked back up to the board. Class was over and Kira and Taylor left in a hurry. I walked down the hallway to see were they were going and they were out of the school front door in a snap.

Kira's POV

"Were are you taking me." "That's a secret get in." I shook my head and smiled and got in the car. "What type of surprise." "A secret one." I shook my head and smiled. "Well are we gonna eat at this secret surprise, because I'm starving." "You'll see when we get there I promise you, you're gonna be so exited." As we drove down the now dirt road I started to doze off and as my vision got blurry the music seemed to get louder and louder. "Are we almost there yet because I don't think my eyes can stay open for that long." I complained. "We're actually here already." I was so stunned and shocked at what I was seeing it was so beautiful and romantic. The horse was pure white and had long white hair with a braid in it's tail. He was attached to a carriage. "Oh my gosh. Taylor you did this for me." A man came up to me and handed me a bouquet of flowers also pure white. Everything was so beautiful. I wanted to cry of joy it was so beautiful I didn't know were we where but I didn't care. "Do you like it I figured since are first date got interrupted I'd thought I'd make it up to you." "I love it so much were will this carriage be taking us exactly?." "Well right now were in Los Angeles and this lovely carriage is gonna give us a tour of downtown and drop us off at a very very restaurant." I smiled and walked over to the carriage Taylor helped me in and I sat down. Tonight is going to be fun.

Scott's POV

I was suppose to meet up with stiles after I meet Lydia so we could have a boys night and he was going to help me keep my mind off Kira. But he wasn't here and I keep thinking about her and Taylor leaving in such a rush after school today. I just don't see why she was with him an omega. Buzzzzzzz..I had got a text from Stiles.

Hay sorry dude can't come Lydia wants me to help her figure out some more stuff about Bardo. And right now it's not looking so good. And my nightmares aren't helping are conclusions.

After reading the message I got up and got my jacket and helmet and got on my bike.

Lydia's POV

As I stared at Stiles all I could think about is how I could help him, how I could help him with the nightmares. The Nogitsune we as going to take over and I didn't even have the nerve to tell him. " okay?" I guess he had saw the way I was looking at him because he began to rub my shoulder in a reassuring way it made me feel safe when he did this. I just smiled and shook my head yes. He had black circles under his eyes but more purple then black. "Stiles when was the last time you actually got some real sleep." "Does a two minute blink counts." "Stiles you need to get some sleep,maybe try laying with Malia for comfort." "Lydia thats the problem I tried that already and it didn't work and the only other girl I've ever loved...." he looked down. "Is me... well lay here with me with me." He looked up at me "you mean lay with you as in my body next to yours." I shook my head and just pulled his hand and walked over to the bed. "Stiles when you said loved." "Lydia I do still love you...." "......I love you too. But your with Malia and I know how much you love her maybe even more than and I know you can't break up with her this easily." "Lydia I could never love anyone more than you not even Malia. And if that means I have to break up with her to prove it I will. Just tell me what I gotta do and I'll do it." I smiled and pulled him close to me and kissed his lips with so much passion I'm pretty sure Maria's gonna feel it. "You don't have to nothing at all."..

Kira's POV

Taylor knew how to make a girl smile and laugh. This was the best night by far and best real first date. "So how did I do?" "Perfect night." "Really, did this you help you get your mind off you know who?" "Who?" He smiled but I was truly confused. "I'll take that as a yes." He began to lean in for a kiss and I openly accepted. Nothing could ruin this night not even Scott.

Scott's POV

When I arrived to Lydia's I got off my bike and ran to her window (it was late and I didn't wanna wake her mom.) I got up to her window and saw her and Stiles sleeping together like how me and Kira use to sleep and I couldn't help but to smile. I jumped down shaking my head laughing and just got back on my bike. Before I put my helmet I began to think more and more about Kira, and how we use to lay together and hold each other for comfort. Maybe I should go and try to get her back I hate this feeling of not having her near me and with me.

Kira's POV

After our date me and Taylor went to my house and I asked him if he wanted to stay the night. "I got some Pajama pants in my dresser, and if you want wanna of my dad's old beasty boys t-shirts.' "I'll just take the pants." He took off his shirt and OMG he body was perfect he had a six pack and a chiseled chest. "Nice body" I complimented "thanks aren't you gonna get changed yeah." I went over to my dresser were he was standing and pulled out my blue and white cookie monster confused shirt and my gray shorts that were covered in question marks. "Hey how come you get the cute PJ's" I laughed and said. "Because I'm the girl in the relationship remember." I turned leaving him silent and went into the bathroom and changed. When I came out Taylor was right in front of the door. "What are you doing sir your blocking my way." "Am I? " I came up closer and he smiled because right as we were a inch away from each others lips he had smacked my butt. "Owwww. HAY. " I shoved out of the way and went to go turn on the tv. "I'm sorry I just couldn't help my self." "Well next time pace yourself." I grabbed by remote and went to my reccordings. "Spiderman or iron man?" "Iron man all the way." I pressed play on iron man and got into my bed Taylor was already in the bed so I just snuggled up next to him. "Perfect way to end the Perfect date." He kissed my head and said Yea.

Scott's POV

When I arrived to kira's house I ran straight off my bike and up to her window and before I could knock I saw Taylor and her cuddled in the bed watching iron man Kira must've just fallen asleep because when Taylor saw me he looked down at Kira. I gave me a confused look and I just put my head down and at that moment I finally realised that she had moved on to another and that I really screwed up. But a little part of keep was happy that she was happy because the last thing I want to do is hurt her again.

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