Void Stiles

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1 month later

Stiles POV

Each day more and more I  felt like I was turning into a monster. I knew this was gonna get out of control. Scott keeps saying he's going to do something to help me and it's gonna be okay but I know it's wasn't, it was going to be chaos. "Stiles." I heard a sweet voice behind me I turned only to see the one and only beautiful Lydia Martin. "Hey,sorry bout that I was just thinking and kinda dozed off into my own world." She walked over to me with a worried look on her face. "Okay well we need to get to class." I grabbed her hand and led the way. After our 4th hour we went to lunch and as we gathered around to the lunch table  in pairs. Me and Lydia, Taylor and Kira, Malia and Scott,Allison and Isaac. Kira and Taylor were in the own little bubble hugging and kissing it kinda made me sick. Allison and Isaac were talking about there plans for tonight. And everyone was in awkward silence staring at the two couples. "Since Taylor's apart of the pack don't you think you should start coming to the pack meetings?" "Yea if it's okay with Scott " Scott brought his head up from the picnic table. "I don't mind at all as long as we can help stiles." "Great ugh Kira we should get going gotta go meet my mom at that sushi restaurant for lunch." "Oh yeah totally forgot, okay come on, by you guys." They walked away and Scott put his head back down. I started to feel weak and I felt a small smirk come on my

but nothing was happy about this moment. Stiles you have no control anymore it's over chaos is coming and it's going to be your fault because your just a human who controlled defeat or kill me I'm 1000 years old I'll never die as far as I'm concerned so just give up you'll never win this game I'm the trickster. I heard his voice in my head and the words chaos will come kept repeating in my head. I was losing this game and when I walked away from the table with Scott I knew it had took over my body because this was not me walking it was him the Nogistune.

Later that night.....

Scott POV

Tomorrow I had I history test and I needed some help with studying so I called Kira. "Hey Kira,so you know that history test we have tomorrow" "yeah what about it." "Well I need help studying and I wanted to know if you could come and help me you know as friends." "Yeah sure I'll be over in 10" "great see you soon." She hung up and I got up and started straighten my room it's was kinda messy. Not like she's never seen it messy but we haven't really just stayed in my room and just sat like on my bed and stuff. I went down stairs when I heard Kira pull into the drive way. I jogged t the door opening it before she could even knock. "Hey,come in" I gestured inside. "Thanks, so we studying down here or in your room." "My room come on" I walked up the stairs making small conversation about school and Stiles. "Okay so what subject first?" "Uhm the industrial revolution." "Great choice I got that chapter down pact." I sat on the end if the bed and she layed upside at the top so I decided to lay down at the bottom. After a couple of hours I got a text from Stiles telling me to meet him at the the vet. "Who is that?" "Stiles he wants us to meet him at the vet." "Well we better get going Stiles needs all the help he can get at this moment." She got up and put her jacket on. When we went outside I looked at my bike it only one helmet on it. "We can just drive me car if you want." "Okay." We got in the car and she kept checking her phone before we pulled off. "What is it." "Nothing just my mom asking were I was." She was lying her heart got like ten times faster. "Oh." She pulled put off the drive way and sped to the vet. When we pulled up I saw stiles Jeep he was sitting in it with a key in his hand. It begin pouring raining stiles got out the Jeep same time we got out of are vehicle he tried to rush us inside but we were stopped...by the Oni. I turned and looked at Stiles he still looked like Stiles and acted like him. "Kira get inside!" I heard Stiles yell but she ignored him and stood by my side ready to fight. As we fought each one it was getting harder to keep up with their speed. "SCOTT!" I turned my head as I heard Kira yell and then back to my stomach she was trying to warn me. The oni had stabbed me right in my stomach. Kira jumped and kicked him in his chest, I was surprised of how fast she reacted. She began rushing my in side and walked me next to the tabled she grabbed the end of the sword and gripped it. "Uuuuhhhhhh" I heard her moan and looked up Stiles had slammed her head on the table so fast I wasn't able to stop him. "Stiles this isn't you." "Your right it's not Stiles its me void Stiles is gone and theirs nothing you can DO!" "He can't do anything but I can." I looked over to see deaton put a needle in Stiles neck. "What was." "Nothing you need to worry about now... let's get this out of tour stomach." "Aggghhhhhhh" it hurt like hell but as soon as he ripped it out I healed and ran over to Kira who was still unconscious.

Taylor's POV

It was 10:00 and my mind was clustred with thoughts. Mainly about Kira I didn't know how to tell her that I was slowly falling in love and I wasn't sure she she felt the same way so I decided to right a letter and I'll give it to her tomorrow."Dear Kira yukimura, I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

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